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Posts posted by sfiction

  1. just wondering... so had anyone had a different experience soaking their raw imperials? anyone got some significant shrinkage? also.. how did the denim turn out? I kinda like the feel and texture of the denim now, so hope that that won't change much

  2. heh... thanks snugglepony. reason i asked is cos my Dukes arrived!! but they're a bit loose in the waist. Everything else is fine. So i was wondering if i could possibly shrink it a bit by soaking. Oh, and the length too.

    But i'm also concerned about losing the feel or raw denim, which i really love.

    Edited by sfiction on Apr 2, 2006 at 06:04 PM

  3. for those who have soaked their raw imperials, be it Dukes or Kings, can i ask how the denim turned out? I've looked thru the thread and a couple of ppl said theirs shrank. but recent entries stated minimal shrinkage due to the denim being sanforised. Was there alot of indigo loss?

  4. just wondering, for those of you who ordered directly from Imperial. Did you pay via PayPal with an account email address Info gave you? The account email does not say "imperial" right? Also, did they get back to you with tracking details and stuff?

  5. i'm just wondering, would ironheart 21oz denim be too hot for a tropical climate like that of Asia? I live in Singapore, and that's the only thing holding me back from ordering a pair.

  6. I know this has been asked before, but honestly i can't find an answer. Does anyone know how much the black overdyed NS stretch as compared to the unwashed indigo NS?

  7. I have been emailing him. but i don't wanna ask so many questions that i come across too annoying. at least over here there are possibly more people who are able to help. (tho it seems to be mainly you wooster so thanks alot for that!).

    Wow, now that you're saying your APCs are 32 makes me even more confused actually. Cos mins are 30. maybe i should actually get the 34 ironhearts. looking at the overdyed blacks.

  8. Ok am pretty interested in a pair of ironhearts. just curious about the sizing so wondering if people could help me out with a few questions.

    1. How much does the waist stretch over time? I wear size 30 in APC New Standards, maybe could have got a 29 actually. Whart size is good for ironhearts?

    Maybe a good guide to help is the size you guys actually wear for other brands and your Ironhearts size? Measured, the area around which i wear my jeans is abt a 34.

    Any help is much appreciated...thanks

    Edited by sfiction on Mar 14, 2006 at 01:02 AM

  9. i can't seem to find the black selvage 5 pocket jeans on the site. There is a pair of black 5 pocket jeans but those aren't selvage are they? Can anyone help?

  10. inseam shrinkage is pretty ok for me.... cos i ain't that tall...my only concern is that post wash and POST shrinkage and stretching, will the waist be JUST ABOUT the same as fresh out of the box? i hope people get what i mean here. thanks so much for the advice by the way...

  11. also one last thing.. i ordered a size 31, non-wash. right now, the waist fits just right... it was supposed to be a size 33 but they messed up... since i live in Singapore it'll be too much of a hassle to get them sent back.

    My question is, if the waist is just right, would it be too tight once i wash them? I'm not sure abt the shrinkage/stretching of these you see... plus i really like the feel/look of raw denim. So i am prob not gonna wash them anytime soon...

  12. just wondering, to those who've oredered sugrcane 1947s from History Preservation. Do they come in a box? I somehow was under the impression they did, but I just recieved mine and they don't... any clue?

    (got my order in just before the price hike so that's pretty lucky...)

    Edited by sfiction on Mar 6, 2006 at 10:36 PM

  13. hey guys, jus wondering, has INFO replied any of you recently? Have mailed them a couple of times. Got replies the first few times. But nothing within the 2 weeks or so.

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