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Posts posted by tanner68

  1. I've had pairs of jeans start to take on the shape of English riding pants. The area from the knees up is all stretched out, but below the knees it still fits tight. And from a couple deep knee bends, you get that bulbous stretching there. But as the jeans continue to stretch and the denim begins to relax more and stack up properly at the bottom, the knee bulge will go away. Just keep wearing 'em.

  2. True religion has got too much "style" for my denim sense. I think they look ridiculous on men.

    But the answer to your question is always the same.

    Whichever fits the best!

    Doesn't matter how fabulous the denim is, or the quality of the stitching, if they don't fit you they won't look as good.

    An inferior jean that fits properly can look nicer than a quality pair that fits poorly.

    Nudies and E Sewns are both great. I like the Regualar Ralfs and the Filsons rigid.

  3. We shouldn't discourage the newbies.

    That's how the board grows.

    Anyway, you're gonna want to get them in a 38 length. They'll stack up well with boots. You could go shorter if you don't wear boots. I know that sounds absurdly long, but give it a try. And I'd say your normal waist or one bigger.

    I am mostly 34x34, but for STFs I get 34 or 35 x 38.

    And I echo what others have said. They're the cheapest decent jeans going, so just experiment.

  4. Dr. Blue Jeans in the valley is great.

    I haven't been there in a few years, but I have spoken with friends who have used him recently, and they are totally happy with his work. It's in a strip mall behind the In'n'Out, just north of Ventura Blvd.

    4454 Van Nuys Blvd # F, Sherman Oaks, 91403 - (818) 986-8047

  5. OK, I have some pairs of rigid, raw, and selvage jeans that are all great looking. I never buy jeans with any disstressing.

    But some of my best jeans are reglar' old 501 STFs. That's because they are the ones that I can take the most chances with 'cause they are inexpensive. I wear them when I know they are gonna see a lot of hard use and dirt and dust and sweat. If I am careful and don't rip them, and don't get any stains or filth on them so I don't have to launder them but a few times, well they come out looking great after a while. A denim laundromat could never duplicate this look, and I am reluctant to put my pricier jeans through this kind of wear.

    So my question is, how does one judge the quality of the denim in regular shrink to fit 501s. The denim comes from different mills, so what variables can one look for to pick out a better pair.


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