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Posts posted by sunny

  1. I'm not skipping out on school, exactly. it's a form of work-study. i get an internship, i do that, plus a little academic work on the side, i get credit in the classes i'm taking based on the amount of time i work and whether or not i have out of school work for current classes. it's a school function, so i'm not dropping out or anything like that. it's just an internship instead of going to the last 6-8 weeks of school. it sorta see it as a good work experience/better way to end school than actually busting my ass to finish up with a decent gpa.

    my thought is: i'm going to college in the fall, and working all summer, so it's always good to build my resume up before i get out on my own, right?

    That's what I did in grade 11, except it was a full semester, and it's called co-op here.

    I got 4 credits.. and worked 6 hours a day, 4 days a week

    i did mine at an accounting firm, while others in my class went to law firm, hospital, school, graphic design, radio station, electrician.. basically anything you wanted. i think if you talk to the teachers they'll be able to look around and find you what you need. a lot of companies will be willing to hire a student if it's free labour.

  2. I have an uncle in the States and I just order stuff from the internet and have it shipped to him. He lives in NH and there's no sales tax there.

    I have unlimited free transactions on my bank account with Scotia.. and no monthly charges either.

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