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Posts posted by thesupreme

  1. ^yo, my friend (unfortunately!) works there so I sometimes pop up at the store to see whats happening and what they got in lately....not that i'll ever part with cash mind.....lol

    he totally hates some of the people who shop there, its the rudeness that kills it for him....

    btw 'queues reign supreme' is now TM'd by me icon_smile_wink.gif

  2. I think some of you guys should seriously read what Adrian Wilson is writing, at least he took the time out for a considered response rather than an ill advised, reactionary one. I've been to Supreme many times (and also Hideout and Collette). A huge amount of the people dominating the lines, pushing in and trying to buy up everything up are ASIAN, GET OVER IT. I was at BWS when some asian kid got banned for being rude and reselling. I also got hooked up at Supreme when a group of asian guys not only pushed in but tried to buy up the box sweaters and tees straight away whilst on the mobile making resell deals. I'm not saying they are all the same (asians), but i personally feel that similiar acts of hysterical fandom & reselling has changed the brand, its approach and made the once pleasant shopping experience at my favourite downtown stores a LIVING HELL....

    and if you dont agree your a little dishonest , biased, or feel the need to defend your race. I aint even gonna use the excuse 'I have asian friends', sh*t is wack now and queues reign supreme. The employees damn hate it too, Akira is one harsh son of a bitch to those HK kids and some of the effs deserve it...

  3. People arent mind readers on the internet, and you wouldnt have done the fake graphics if there wasnt some element of deception and believability to them. Its better to just let this whole thing die off and accept the hit cause you know you did wrong.....icon_smile_dissapprove.gif

    At least you say sorry though....

    Edited by thesupreme on Feb 13, 2006 at 04:18 AM

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