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Posts posted by Proletariat

  1. this is something I have known for a long time. Supreme most definitely buys bags from Army Surplus companies and sews their little labels on them and makes a huge profit. I love it when I see little dipshits carrying around bags wbeaming with pride that should cost around $30-$40.

    here's one of my favorites:

    Supreme Bag:


    Australian Rucksack:


  2. Here's another thing. The whole bit about the Hundreds online inventory selling out. Are we supposed to believe that they had 2,000 tees online and their fans are so horny for their shit that they bought them up by 4 AM because the shit is so hot? Hell no. I could put up my Spring line, limit my server to 3 sales of each item and then get on the computer at 6 am and say "oh my God our shit is so hot that it is all gone!" even if nothing sold. Who is there to check up on that shit? NO ONE. It's miraculous how now they are already restocked online and they are ready to take more orders because they are "pulling stock from their stores." Look people, if you believe this shit than let me tell you that [mod edit: don't get political shit started]....... Again, it might sound like I am hating on the Hundreds, but I will never hate on a shrewd businessman, just on the dumbfucks who get duped.

    Edited by haptronic on Mar 17, 2006 at 02:39 AM

  3. I proposed to my wife after starting my 3rd store. I had just lost $35k in the first year of business by moving to Boston to be with her. So I mustered up $300 (which I couldn't even afford) and took the Chinatown bus to Tiffany's to buy this sliver of a wedding band. Oh course, when I got to NYC they didn't have it in stock. So, I hopped back on the bus and went to my local Tiffany's and bought it there. NOT EXCITING. Then I propsed to her with it on the plane on the way home for a week long vacation. She loved the ring and showed it to all of her friends with pride, even when some of the bitches asked where the diamond was or if she was joking. Then on our last day at home I pulled her into her grandmother's back room where her grandmother gave me her ring in front of her and then I got to give it to my wife. Just seeing my wife be proud of that tiny ring for a week made me beyond happy. My band is froim a company called teno and cost $95. It's exactly what I want and I don't feel bad when I get paint on it or fall off a skateboard, etc.



    Plus, I personally wouldn't ever buy a diamond for personal beliefs.

  4. sorry, none of it is for me. I'm all in for everyone doing well, and this isn't really aimed at the Hundreds, but in general it seems like most of the big brands rely on their infamous friends reputations and less on what is actually going on in the clothing. I was really trying to find an item in their collection that I would wear if it was given to me, and frankly, nothing popped out. Plus pagers are the new cassette tapes. I guarantee you there will be pager belt buckles in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, ..... I'm sorry, I put more thought into my designs that that easy bullshit. Which is probably why I am still "unknown." Oh well.

  5. we got the new VICE mags in today. Adidas bundled this whole paper dolls styled catalog and wrapped all the vice's with a coloring book style cover for the adicolors. they are putting some serious bank behind this shit. my friends Kenji and MR from Boston have been hired to paint kicks live at the Harvard Sq. shop this weekend as well.

  6. Wow, Brio cuts like a knife. I know a lot of people who would think the Miskeen comment was a compliment. Anyways, I like them and they are mine so I guess that's all that matters. And, we can all blame Adidas for their clowny toe box which takes a little heat off of me.

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