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Posts posted by naturaljax

  1. So, I'm college, pursuing a degree (hopefully) in International Business with a minor in Japanese.

    I want to relate this someway to a company who does business (obviously) with Japan, and I thought, what better way then the fashion industry?

    But I thought about it more, and many companies must not be that big, employee-wise. Does anyone here have any experience with companies that work both domestically (US) and overseas (Japan)? I was thinking possibly something like Stussy, for example. Anoyone know if they offer internships, or if they are impossible to catch a job with?

    Just thought I'd ask the future.

  2. good Lord, and BBC / Busy Works right across the street.

    When I was there this July, Neihgborhood store had lines all the way up and down the street, and they had security letting like 5 people in at a time.

    I dunno what the fuck was going on, but I definitely said fuck it to checking out Neighborhood.

  3. so tonight, was watchin a movie, and the girl I was with decided to get a little friendly.

    unfortunately, I had starcehd my jeans earlier that day, and they were stiff as a board, so it probably felt like she was touching a slab of cardboard.

    so, in short, having nice jeans = cockblock of movie touching.

    I got a chuckle out of this. Anyone else had a similar story?

  4. Yep, I'll be moving up to the UW full time on September 22, living in Terry.

    If anyone else lives in the dorms, we should definitely kick it.

    Finally someone who won't think I'm crazy for not washing my jeans!!

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