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Posts posted by naturaljax

  1. spilled a beer on my MacBook this summer, the whole thing assed out. Just needed a new keyboard to fix it, but at least yours turns on, mine cost $150 to fix.

    You could go to the store and buy a $10 generic USB keyboard and plug it in, problem solved.





  2. Copy and paste a space from any text source and use crtl v as your spacebar you fuckaround.





    superfuture does though, I just found out.


  3. you know they have americanapparel in tokyo right?

    yep. Shibuya right? And maybe Daikanyama I'm not sure...

    but I've had friends tell me that it's not popular there, so much so that it doesn't even have a shortened nickname like "makku" or whatever. So you know if they haven't shortened the name, then it isn't popular yet ;)

  4. ah, okay. well I've never had a problem with omiage before so I should be alright.

    yeah these hoodie dresses are cool and I can get them on the cheap so it should be all good. And like you said, versatile.

    Plus hot man, no joke I've seen girls come out of the dressing rooms with those things on and my head almost explodes.

  5. they're kinda heavy, but i like taking salad dressing. nieman marcus chocolate covered potato chips has always impressed alot of people cause they don't got that shit.

    salad dressing? really? haha it's always weird to find out what they do and don't have over there.

    anyone know if hoodie dresses like this are seen at all / popular in Japan right now?


    thinkin' about picking it up for the girl but idk if it's something she'd see everywhere or not

  6. I still do on occassion, even though you can get the same exact stuff in certain supermarkets in Tokyo. For one of my host families that I hadn't seen in two years, I just grabbed the weirdest most exotic sounding shit from trader joes and made a gift basket and they loved it.

    haha this sounds like a good idea, I'm going to do this I think. I even have a friend that works at TJ's so I'll get it at a discount. $$$$

  7. :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :|

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