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Posts posted by valhalla

  1. it's not actually a lot, i deliberately angled my shots so that the dishes look a lot bigger and fuller than they are.

    the schweinshaxe looks good, albeit looking more like the chinese-style 卤猪脚 (braised pig trotter).

  2. haha or i could look like an asian danny devito, cos no way an asian can be as tall as arnie; and no way i'm gonna pump my body full of steroids.

    yeah more proteins... felt peckish, so had some munchies.


    fried chicken wings

    kopparberg pear cider

  3. ^^ now now felix, not everyone has the fortune of having a mom who can bake miracles.

    anyways, congratulations to valhalla and felix for landing a job with the soon-to-be mega blockbuster hit, set to take the superworld by storm:


    do the wayet thread proud boys!

    what the? trust our dear jmatsu to come up with this. i'll gladly do the catering should this "mega blockbuster" comes to fruition.

    post-dinner snack with whizkit:


    eggs that look like tits. i like.

    they look more like gonads. me likey.

  4. muji stuff stretches? i have the long sleeve plain tees in almost every colour available but they didn't seem to stretch at all after multiple washes.

    anyway you're all freaks. you make me feel fucking fat cos i wear a 40".

    however, do check out www.hanon-shop.com, there's a 25% discount going on for all fred perry stuff.

  5. timeout- excuse me valhalla...

    first i would like to commend your culinary works of art , but are you feeding a family of four or is this all for you ?? your portions looks crazy, just wondering if you actually throw down all that food at one sitting?

    thank you. i'm only feeding a "family" of two... me and my huge appetite-that-has-assumed-a-life-of-its-own. occasionally someone else drops by to have a meal or two.

    anyway for dinner:


    terriyaki salmon

    some gooey jellyfish thingy (not good, that's the last time i'll buy that shit)

    miso soup with shimeji

  6. valhalla-what flavour are those popsicles?

    whizkit i made them out of this:


    tastes like passionfruit. very good.


    damn felix that Maultaschen looks good. what's the filling?

    i also went german last night:





    picked the bone clean

    back to chinese for lunch today:


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