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Posts posted by Jetta

  1. I think it would depend on the look, but for the same price I would definately want at least one pair, to see how it differs.

    When I saw the thread title, I really figured someone was soaking their jeans and their dog drank the water and they wanted to know if it was safe :P

  2. Just got my stuff from xcoldricex this morning, excellent service, excellent jeans, many thanks coldrice!

    Of course I freaked a bit when I first looked at them since they appeared gigantic, but once I put them on the fit was just a touch loose, so should be perfect after a soak :)

  3. STF are designed to be soaked/washed before wearing so they can shrink, hence the shrink to fit name. If you never plan on washing your jeans then ordering true to size is fine, if you plan on keeping them and cleaning them when they smell like rotten ass then you will want to size up 2" and soak before wearing. Otherwise you will end up with a pair of jeans that most likely will not fit once they are clean. So all that time spent breaking them in will just result in a pair of jeans you can hang on the wall, but not wear.

    Edited by Jetta on May 26, 2006 at 07:37 AM

  4. Quote:

    just one more question

    did they lose alot of indigo

    i love the "dry" look, so i hope they retain their dry color at least for the most part

    --- Original message by homi29 on May 25, 2006 08:56 PM

    I think they looked even better after the soak. The color is still very dark and shiny. They lost very little indigo, the water in the tub after I removed them resembled something like a "crystal clear" color, where it has a slight blue tint, but doesnt actually look blue, if that makes sense.
  5. homi29, yes just a cold soak, well as cold as the tap water gets here in FL.

    Shagnscoob, yeah if you stretch them you can get some length back, which is what I did with my Nudies, but my APC's I wanted to shrink in length so I laid them out to dry.

  6. My APC's length shrank just over 2" on the first soak. So if you hem them first, make sure to leave enough length so you don't have high waters later.

  7. turn them inside out, soak for 3-4 hours, line dry. (I put mine in the washer for a spin cycle to speed drying, just make sure they are still inside out if you do this)

  8. If you never soaked your RRDS they are going to bleed like crazy when water is applied. I just soaked my new ones yesterday and actually had to scrub the tub after to get the indigo off the surface, no other jeans have bled that much on their first soak. That said, they still look dark and awesome afterwards.

    So I say cold soak em, hand rub the dirt and you should be good to go. Just don't freak when the water is blue.

  9. I wash mine along with my regular laundry, sometimes after one wearing (if I wear them out and they smell of smoke, booze, whatever) or when they seem like they could use it.

    edit: I wash my regular color laundry in cold water with a detergent that says it protects colors from fading (cheer I think, nothing expensive)

    Over time they will fade more, but it is a long process and not something you will just notice. I have a few pairs of jeans that I have had forever that were dark, non distressed when I bought them and are now a light shade of blue from fading over the years, but they fade evenly, not like raw jeans where you get the wear lines, honeycombs, etc...

    Edited by Jetta on May 19, 2006 at 02:00 PM

  10. Quote:

    does anyone know the sizing on the APC work pants. they come in xs s m l xl.

    i wear about a 28/29 waist, does anyone know if the smalls are perfect for me?????

    --- Original message by drugfreevegan on May 16, 2006 12:29 PM

    Are you talking about those miltary style pants? I saw them at the store and all they had were M's, and by glancing at them and picking them up I figured they were HUGE. I don't really know what APC is really thinking of with their sizing, but it's weird that most of us here are grown men buying jeans sizes we used to wear in 5th grade.

    --- Original message by dismalfuture on May 16, 2006 02:22 PM

    Just like womens clothes sizing, over the years the sizes get bigger and bigger, so they can buy a smaller size than they really need and say "see honey, I am still a size 4!" icon_smile_shock.gif

    I a still amazed at the fact that womens clothes have negative sizes.

  11. Quote:

    love the redlines, almost as much as my rrl. i think that i am a little unusual on here, as i wear jeans to work everyday. i wear my jeans from 6:00 am to 12:pm when i go to bed. i skatebaord at least 4 or 5 hours a week. i walk at least a mile a day. i put my jeans thru hell. thats is why i cant go 6 months. im in florida, and skating in 90 degree heat and 98 percent humidity will make you think twice about washing.

    --- Original message by cheapmuthafukr on May 15, 2006 06:27 AM

    bah, it hasnt gotten out of the 80's yet! icon_smile_wink.gif

    I think the big difference is most people don't live as active of a lifestyle, so the wear an active person gets in a month, they wont get for 6 months or more. I noticed more wear on my APC's in the week I spent visiting my parents and working in the garage and stuff than I do in a month of just doing my day to day stuff.

    Though I am still from the don't wash until they need them camp, mostly because that was how I always treated my jeans.

  12. rnrswitch, I have never seen this behavior with Levis, they always start at tag and shrink smaller than tag size for me. Where as Lee and Wrangler and others shrink to tag.

    Edited by Jetta on May 11, 2006 at 04:26 PM

  13. If I remember correctly, Wrangler and Lee shrink to tag size, unlike Levi that start at tag size and get smaller. So if you soak them they should fit much better.

  14. hmm never had that problem. Not sure of how to measure the leg opening, I just measured the cuff on my hipsters, when laid flat its 9" across, which according to google is 9 in = 22.86cm

  15. Quote:

    argh. i love the wash/price of APC but the leg opening is too small to go over slip on vans. they are smaller than 19cm diors hahaha, is there another cut thats closer to the 19cm?

    --- Original message by shagnscoob on Apr 29, 2006 02:36 PM

    I dont think they expect you to try to put your pants on without taking your shoes off.
  16. Quote:

    Why not just make the starch yourself? You can control how strong you want it, make as much as you want, and it costs next to nothing.

    Edited by Circa on Apr 10, 2006 at 07:59 AM

    --- Original message by Circa on Apr 10, 2006 07:58 AM

    I use Niagra spray starch, mostly because I also use it for ironing my shirts (collars and buttons) and it is just a lot more convienent.
  17. Quote:

    something looks wrong... you would think if they have been faded out and bleached like that the redline wouldnt be visable.

    --- Original message by cheapmuthafukr on Mar 29, 2006 07:02 AM

    I have always found that thread tends to not bleach out, just like the orange thread on the jeans is still orange.
  18. Lars, I would definately recommend soaking first, that way there is no worry that the wear will end up in some weird place. The legs on mine didn't twist much, but the honeycomb area most definately changed where it was a little. Of course if you plan on never washing them this isnt a concern, but I tend to not baby my jeans over time so once they are broken in they will get machine washed when needed.

    Stev1ous, I have the hipsters. The waist shrank just under 1/2" once soaked, but the inseam shrank from 36" to 34" post soak.

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