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Icicle Cubicle

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Posts posted by Icicle Cubicle

  1. its not my auction or anything. just happened upon them, but shit its going for some loot. really nice though, but used?? i say fuck that. even though it says its meth/sbtg's first colab. if i had money to burn, i'd bid though. hah.


    By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.

  2. Quote:
    Quote: i hate you midgets.

    That would imply height. And I've seen fat midgets...

    It's cool though, because I hate you fat people.


    --- Original message by TragicBliss on Mar 28, 2006 11:08 PM

    actually im 6 ft 3, 190 lbs... i could stand to put on a few pounds even. its just im cursed with not being able to fit into anything smaller than a 35w. check my posts in the "what are you wearing" thread. a lot of my jeans look like they fit like shit :(

    good news is that i've got 2 pairs of nudie (SJUB and RRDS), 1 imperial duke, and an iron army coming this week...all 36W

    sad thing is, im sure at least 2 of 4 will fit like crap. but then again, im from hawaii and am probably one of the only cats on the island with quality denim...so its worth not being able to try them on before hand. sorta.

    By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.

    Edited by Icicle Cubicle on Mar 30, 2006 at 05:24 PM

  3. actually it retails for $210ish (got the homie deal though. yay!). i'll post pics of it on me in a bit. as for where to buy, i'd say to call In4mation, they have a rep for having THE best customer service out. or call Goods in seattle. MD belongs to one of the Goods owners.

    By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.

  4. dont listen to those angry fashionistas. decide for yourself if BB is right for you. i personally think theyre dope, just dont pay that kind of insane prices for it. look around for REAL sales.

    By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.

  5. Quote:


    --- Original message by birminghamjim on Mar 28, 2006 05:25 AM


    illin'! are those oddities? lookin sharp.

    got these odd's a few months back. love them...


    By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.

  6. In4mation (never fails to impress me)

    Maiden Noir (fucking quality)

    Surface To Air (tee's and pendants/rings)

    Modern Amusement (jackets mainly)

    Blue Blood (denim jeans and jackets)

    Paul Smith (jackets, ties, and button up shirts, shoes)


    Trovata (everything)


    Creative Recreation

    Iron Army

    Imaginary Foundation (tee's)

    Brown Sound (jackets/outwear)

    Original Penguin (shoes/sweaters/jackets)


    Methamphibian / SBTG

    Sperry (slip on's)


    Ralph Lauren (outwear, polo's)

    PRPS (for what they do...im black and japanese, if that makes sense)



    Flying Coffin


    Engineered Garments

    Banana Republic (outwear, button up shirts)


    By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.

  7. Quote:


    Picked up these APCs on ebay.

    --- Original message by onemancult on Mar 26, 2006 07:13 PM


    i hate you. i tried bidding on these, i had it at 3 secs left and you swooped me. good job actually. i was wondering if a SF head won it.

    i was kicking myself alllllll day after losing though, cause its actually a re-list pair. i was 2 min late on scoring it first time around. would have been the only bidder @ 24 bucks :(

    i hate being me. at $44, still a good score for ya.

    By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.

  8. question, are there different models for the cap. e's? these (from ebay) have a different leather patch. any ideas? also, whats the fit like for you?

    edit: on 2nd thought, i dont think the pic i posted are cap. e's at all. it has plain levis stitching. weak.


    By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.

    Edited by Icicle Cubicle on Mar 26, 2006 at 03:59 PM

  9. AuspientImaging.aspx?&prd=PAU01247&t=CLOSEUPS&clr=000

    these PS slip ons look pretty "girly" in pics, but look really sharp in person. nothing girly about it, especially when rocked with some flat front slacks, or cords.


    these are rad-ass as well, though they are laced.


    ben sherman half preforated leather slips


    MA x sperry


    copped this pic off the boards. mine are coming this week.

    By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.

  10. img12988516.jpg?v


    loomstate vans


    trovata vans *laced though




    these paul smiths are wild, but i'd rock it to the beach or something


    same with these

    By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.

  11. Quote:

    killaCAM.. that digi cam rocks it.. whats the model number? my ex had one.. cant remember it..

    --- Original message by thomas_highstreet on Mar 25, 2006 02:42 PM


    thats the Sony Cybershot T9...

    i got the same one in blizzack...


    By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.

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