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Seething Tortoise

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Posts posted by Seething Tortoise

  1. Quote:

    I have a new pair rescues in a 32" waist and yes they are too big on the waist but fit nice through the leg. If i go down a size will they be much narrower through the leg ?

    --- Original message by cleanlines on Feb 20, 2006 11:58 AM

    I don't have any APC's myself, so I can't say from experience. But from reading around, I just have to ask you, are you a true 32"? If so, did you get your APC's in Size 32, most people tend to say that getting a 29 is ideal if you're normally sized 32"
  2. I've got some SSLE at 31/34 and I'm a true 32/32. The waste has stretched so it's quite loose (I can get a fist down my jeans with a little bit of effort.

    Sizing down would be a good idea in my opinion.

    Shit, I just noticed they got SSDS back after checking ZooVillage. I think I might get another pair when it gets closer to my 18th Birthday.

    Edited by Tabris on Feb 20, 2006 at 04:53 PM

  3. Quote:

    i'd say im 90% sure they are authentic, the leather tag makes me doubt a bit, but they are probably an early european model and they may have used different leather and ink colour on the back tag on that model or year

    --- Original message by Egpt on Feb 20, 2006 02:40 PM

    The Selvage looked fine to me. Just a little bit folded over, probably because of how it's been stored or somehting.
  4. Quote:

    its oh sooo cool to post a thread just to let everyone know you wore bape 8 years ago. If you did, congratulations! You a real hero, being from japan and all!]icon_smile_shy.gif

    If youre such an old skool bapehead, be just as foresighting now and let us all know who will take bapes place? I sure would like to know!

    Please let me know, guru of streetwear!

    --- Original message by simonthediamond on Feb 18, 2006 07:00 AM

    He lives in the UK. I'm sure he does, otherwise he wouldn't have a .co.uk email address.
  5. Quote:

    swyche - cool thx anyways, ill check Gucci this weekend.

    or i might have to splurge and go for:


    --- Original message by culture on Feb 15, 2006 07:11 PM

    yo thats fucking insane lol!!!!

    did I see hte price as 190,000,000?!?!?!?!?!

    yo good find lol

    --- Original message by swyche on Feb 15, 2006 08:27 PM

    I don't know what you read, but I saw 19,000,000.00 not 190,000,000 icon_smile_wink.gif

    Edited by Tabris on Feb 15, 2006 at 08:51 PM

  6. Quote:

    skate companies make jeans. i even remember one of the brands having a selvedge one. those are meant to be skated in.

    --- Original message by poly800rock on Feb 15, 2006 06:31 PM


    --- Original message by adsurgo on Feb 15, 2006 06:38 PM

    I think Zoo York did some as well.

    I had some Unabomber jeans once (Brit Company) and they were great for skating in. The denim was really soft and light, it wasn't too skinny or baggy so it didn't restrict movement, and they took one hell of a beating. After 2 years of skating in them before I quit, they still didn't have a tear.

  7. Quote:


    I got the RRDS as a gift from a girl who lives in Germany, where it's much cheaper than in N.America. It probably cost her 120 euro or so ($140 USD).

    Anyway, she's a rich girl who thought they'd look good on me. Bootcuts look horrible on me (short skinny legs) though.

    So I guess she's a rich girl who has a lot of money but not a lot of taste!

    --- Original message by Tabak to the Future on Feb 15, 2006 07:56 PM

    Well, at least she was nice enough to give you a pair. I know I wouldn't complain :)
  8. Quote:

    just guessing here, but i think the reason lars asked what switzerland had to do with anything was because nudies are made in sweden, not because he doesn't understand that chewing is popular in northern europe, or that snuff boxes make the round wear marks on some jeans...

    --- Original message by snugglepony on Feb 14, 2006 05:44 PM

    i assumed he knew they were made in sweden, at least that was more possible than him knowing about the chew statistics for the country/region.

    --- Original message by obsessis on Feb 14, 2006 07:57 PM

    If I am that he, then yeah, I already knew.
  9. Quote:

    I used to chew because i'm fucking sweet, not because people in switzerland do. i hope nobody would start a lame habit like that so their jeans would look 'cool'. i think it looks trashy.

    --- Original message by obsessis on Feb 14, 2006 04:45 AM

    What does Switzerland have to do with anything?

    --- Original message by Lars on Feb 14, 2006 10:54 AM

    Maybe Snuff is common place there? I don't know.
  10. I was just thinking today, why do people buy selvage jeans.

    Sure you get better quality amongst other things, but you'll be one of the only people who knows this. Showing off the selvage line or telling people is something that very few will notice or care about. Since most people wouldn't know the difference between selvage and my ass, all they'll see is another pair of jeans.

    Typing this up sounded a lot better in my head, but I'm too tired to make a decent piece of writing. But the general jist:

    - Selvage jeans may have higher quality and some other things, but you'll be the only person around who appreciates that.

  11. Quote:

    I don't like to keep my cell in the front (a razr) because I don't want to disturb the whiskers on one side :P Sad, isn't it?

    --- Original message by PG2G on Feb 11, 2006 12:42 AM

    Haha, that's what I've done with my Nudies. I used to keep my cell in the front right, and have gum in the front left. I now put them in my jacket because I don't want marks if I change my mobile or any disturbance to the whiskers.
  12. Quote:

    thanks everyone for the comments, she loves em, if your girl is looking for a pair i strongly suggest you contact ande, he does great work....

    and breakfasteatre, what the fuck is your problem? grow up and thank you minya for banning this asshole. He doesnt do anything but bring the mood of every fucking post down, just look at his post history, almost every single reply he has submitted is in a negative form or some sort of insult to another. Its all so unwaranted too...

    --- Original message by kixslf on Feb 7, 2006 03:07 PM

    "- elitist"

    Summed it up quite well as to why he was being an ass.

    Anyways, jeans look nice.

  13. Quote:

    Looks nice. You have to figure out a way to get rid of that huge blood stain in your carpet though.

    --- Original message by Lars on Feb 7, 2006 01:35 AM

    Blood usually stains a really dark red or brown :)

    Loving the Nudies :) I can't wait till my Svenska start to fade.

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