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Seething Tortoise

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Posts posted by Seething Tortoise

  1. It's been like 3 months since I left a pair down in London down Cowell street.

    Did a bit of holidaying in that time to try and get my mind off of dropping out of med school and haven't really bothered to call up about them. I know they're not getting repaired, but I don't have the time to head to London to get them... unless they've been thrown away, which would be very annoying indeed.

  2. so in other words, this game is barely playable on your 4-year-old laptop

    Get a reasonable 15-20FPS out of it, which is more than the 0 I was expecting.

    That isn't the point though. You don't seem to get it.

    The game isn't anything special. It has gimped features. The complexity threshold is much lower than previous BF games.

    The only thing that separates it and makes it better is how pretty it is. That is not a good enough reason to build a new PC. If the game was outstanding in every aspect and guaranteed at least 500 hours of play as previous Battlefield titles have. Then yeah, I'd go with it.

    But it doesn't.

  3. Sounds like you're playing on an console or a crappy PC. Have you played on a Caspian Border server yet? Everyone does realize this is a beta not a demo right?

    Playing on a console.

    Like I said, got a crappy 4-year-old laptop and I have been on Caspian, albeit briefly. However, even Caspian is a poorly designed CQ map where all of the flags are bunched up together in one area to make it a clusterfuck.

    Was planning on building a new PC for it when it was announced. Scrapped that plan as it isn't worth it.

    This beta is effectively a demo since no public beta testing is actually happening. The only thing being tested is stress/load on the Battlelog system and DICE/EA's servers.

    All that superficial stuff doesn't mean much when the core gameplay is already set. Besides, the game as a whole is gimped. Squads and VOIP only via Battlelog? Having to relaunch the game or tab out every time you join a new server, having to use battlelog to launch the game.

    I knew BF2 was going to be great just before it was released. BF3 is BC2 with prettier visuals and bigger maps. Not saying that's a horrible thing. But it's not new PC good.

    The only thing I'm missing out on is seeing all the maps from B2K rendered gloriously.

  4. Been a while since I've been here

    Didn't notice this threak.

    Been playing the BF3 beta on the Xbox and on my crappy 4 year old laptop. Realised that it isn't worth robocopping a new PC for due to the lack of challenge and gimped features. It doesn't even have a third of the wow-factor that BF1942 or 2 did when they were released.

    So, gonna stick with the Xbox.


    It has since dropped to 71/4, hitting a peak of 71/3. Only playing to get dem wins. Got MVP/2/3 in like 80% of my games. K/D is suffering as a result, but still hovering at 2.1.

    DICE weren't lying when they said it'd be hard to master.

    Never lost on defence playing Metro.

  5. Just about every decision I've made in life so far with regards to career choice.

    Might just be stress of what happened with regards to med school earlier this year. I wasn't as devastated as I thought I'd be when it happened at the beginning of the summer. But as the new term starts and I'm sat around spending most nights up till 5am, it's a stark contrast to how things could have been.

    Everything from the way I entered med school to the way I bailed. Because I transferred from another course at university, which I didn't complete, I'm currently sat with qualifications of a school leaver, which is not impressive for someone my age.

    If I'd chosen to stay on my previous course, I'd at least have a degree and the option to apply to a medical school as a graduate or at least have the options of following another career path.

    But I'm stuck with neither and that is down to decisions and mistakes I've made.

    Hell, I'm beginning to think that life would have been bliss if medicine never twigged on my radar. Also getting to the point where I'm wishing that I was in the same situation as a friend who dropped out of high school at the age of 16. His life may be shit, but he has a clean slate and he doesn't have a ridiculous amount of debt to pay off.

  6. Okay, so I definitely won't be back in London any time soon. Sister or her fiancé don't have time because they have to deal with the riots.

    Syb, are you still free at all, or the riots put things to a complete stand-still down there?

    Dale told me that it'd be about £20 for the repair, but I'm expecting it could turn out to be a bit more and then there's also inconveniencing you, so if you're free let me know. If not, anyone down in London not affected by the riots? Not too fussed about time scales.

    I understand that the riots will be a much more pressing concern, so I'm more than happy to wait until this all cools down as well, when things are a bit more safe.

  7. If I am not down in London in 2 weeks and my sister isn't available to pick them up.

    Would one of you dus be able to pick my jeans up for me?

    Can give you deets closer to the time.

  8. Tabris,

    +rep on those.

    Have you tried Dale at 71 Endell St (Covent Garden) for repairs - 020 7845 7760. He's pretty good.

    Gave my Canes to him today.

    Only getting the largest rip/hole repaired proper and going to get them back in 2 weeks IIRC.

    I can live with the other holes.

    Apparently his hand had been infected from some du's jeans before?

  9. Just saw some bish who commented on a friend's status on Facebook.

    She'd changed her name on FaceyB to Dumb Bish BSc N'cle.




  10. Been playing around with SSFIV 3DS,

    Spam fiesta. I'll play kinda properly for one round. If someone is spamming one move and I can't get in because Sakura sucks at getting in sometimes. I'll give them a free. Then I'll switch to Ryu and spam hadous and shoryukens in return for an easy win.

    Had a lot of people rage quit on me because I can actually string together a combo.

  11. going to med school seems like one of those life altering decisions that you have to be completely into and serious about to be successful; if you're consulting an internet forum to make it for you then you probably should just find something else.

    I'm not going to base my decision on what people here say, just saying it for the sake of it.

    I can see where you're come from though.

  12. No worries, it's my own fault.

    When it comes to revision and stuff, I had it all nailed.

    The first exam I took was a massive knock to my confidence. I had most of it dialed, apart from one section.

    Then when it came to preparing for my second exam, I spent half of that time doing nothing because of the stress and when it came down to the exam, I was already stressed out and it was compounded when I began to struggle in this exam.

    Got in contact with another med school.

    I may be able to reapply for the 2012 cycle on their accelerated course, but I have to do well on an aptitude test and still go through interview. I'll have to start again, but it puts me back on track.

    Only problem is that I have to revise high school stuff. Which isn't bad, but I'm rusty as fuark.

    Worth doing? Or should I just get a job.

    I also hate the amount of stress this is causing me.

  13. hate to kick you when you're down, and I'm sorry to hear about your situation, but I'm a little bit confused by this.

    No worries, it's my own fault.

    When it comes to revision and stuff, I had it all nailed.

    The first exam I took was a massive knock to my confidence. I had most of it dialed, apart from one section.

    Then when it came to preparing for my second exam, I spent half of that time doing nothing because of the stress and when it came down to the exam, I was already stressed out and it was compounded when I began to struggle in this exam.

  14. When did this turn from shit you hate?

    Also, hate the fact that I pretty much failed the first exam of finals yesterday.

    Could see me failing and dropping out of med school.

    It's not like I didn't study. I just couldn't do one part that was worth like 33% of the paper. I'm not even that amazing anyway, so I'll be lucky if I get like over half of the marks I could get.

    I've a good part of my life towards becoming a doctor. It's literally slipping away in front of me. I have more exams in 10 days time. A part of me says I should study even harder so that it doesn't happen again. Then another part of me has lost all hope.


    I failed.

    I'm out. Turns out I did okay in that paper, but I absolutely bombed the next one... the one I thought I had to do better in.

    Worst thing is, it's not that I didn't work and it's not like I don't know my stuff. I just couldn't do these exams. Unfortunately my uni doesn't do vivas for medicine, so I'm up shit creek without a paddle.

    No basis for academic appeal either. I spoke to the head of the school about it, he said it was unlikely an appeal would be successful.

    I'm not angry. I'm not upset. I'm just a bit numb atm.

  15. Started wearing my Sugar Canes again recently; but they're now on the verge of death.

    Need a denim doctor based in the UK, the patchwork won't be able to save them.

    Basically, the crotch hole has now reached a tear on my left cheek and it's going to get to the point where my whole leg will be able to go through the hole and that's saying something seeing as I have 26" thighs.

    My Canes have been with my for 5 years now, I don't want them to die just yet.





  16. Thanks, brus.

    I don't have the energy to revise, trying to force myself to do it but I can't even wrap my head around basics at the moment. Nevermind the more complex stuff.

    I just want to sleep. I wasted too much energy preparing to fail an exam already.

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