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Posts posted by will_i_am

  1. for my topics in bio class we had to read a book called "mean genes" and it said that scientists ran a test were they took shirts from men after a long days work and asked woman to rate how much they liked the smell. the men who were more symmetrical got higher ratings. how weird is that.

    * sorry if it rambles or doesnt make sense. it's 1am and billy is tired.

  2. A couple of weeks ago, I was rolling around on my bed in my Imperials, which have a button fly. Somehow, the backs of two of the buttons came together and pinched a hole in the glans of my penis. A little tiny hole that blood came out of. That wouldn't have happened with a zip fly.



  3. my jeans are loose enough where i can just take them off, fully buttoned. i would hate having to button them every time i put them on/ take em off/ bathroom etc. though.

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