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Posts posted by bleedxslow

  1. Hmm, I thought people just wore thier shoes for the pic, and shoes inside was an American TV thing, not truly an American thing. In Canada, you definately do not. But this may have to do with the climate most of the time. Snow covered boots on mom's carpet makes her angry.

    I have friends in the states that laugh and ask what I'm doing when I take my shoes off at their door. I couldn't imagine wearing my sneakers in my bedroom. DIRTY!

  2. Just got my Rescue's in the mail this morning.

    They are a size 29, I normally wear a 31. It's my recommendation that you go down THREE sizes with the Rescue if possible. The 29 fits me perfect right now, but once they stretch I'm sure they'll be ridiculously big.

    Also, comparing the 29 Rescue to a 31 RRDS, I find the Rescue's are baggier all around.

    Will be exchanging these for a pair of New Standards.

  3. positive thinking . . . it sounds lame and new age and it's probably the only instance where I actually try to think positive. but whenever I feel like i'm getting sick I try to keep telling myself that I won't get sick over and over. I think it actually works to an extent.

    Another good one! On the other hand, sometimes when I'm at work and want to go home sick, I can actually make myself feel sick just by thinking it. Same thing somewhat works with positive thinking!

  4. I'm a runner, so when I have a cold I bundle up and sweat it out. I've never been sick for more than 2 days at a time in my life. Not sure if that's genetics, or what.

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