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Posts posted by suremanok

  1. probably been said before but people who talk while the professor is lecturing. i mean if you need some help fine but don't keep running your mouth while others are actually trying to learn. just do us all a favor and don't attend class.

  2. Those are dumb answers.
    I havet to renew my subscription on xbl in a few days. What's the cheapest way to go about doing that?

    technically, he wasn't specific on how long he wanted to renew it so i gave him some figures that were.. well.. the cheapest.

  3. i remember when daft punk made a surprise guest appearance at a club in SD on Halloween night hours before they took a flight out to vegas for their famous Vegoose night. No one even knew about it cept for the people there. I wish i had went but who knows maybe they might surprise peeps wit that missing time slot sunday night. Go out wit a bang.

    when was this?

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