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Posts posted by Oldboy

  1. Can anyone who has Loopwheeler tees comment on the difference between the regular pocket tees and the ones made with swiss cotton. Are the swiss cotton tees worth the $20 price jump?

  2. I visited the Philippines last year in November and it was seriously the best four weeks of my life! I spent the first three weeks in the province (Infanta, Pangasinan) with family. Goddamn it was so kickback! My uncles are all heavy drinkers, lol, and we would tell stories/jokes and sing karaoke all night long while drinking San Mig or Red Horse and smoking Winstons and Hope. This was the first time I learned about palutan, haha. Sisig, crispy pata, isaw and pinapaitan are soooo goooood.

    The best part of the trip was staying in Makati in Manila for the last five days. The malls there trump anything the US has to offer. I think it was Greenhills where I got lost and couldn't find my family for like two hours. But the women, wow, they are so beautiful! Just a few steps outside of our hotel there were blocks full of clubs and karaoke bars. I won't even get into some of the things I did there, LOL! It's nice to see that the city is slowly making improvements, Makati is especially nice.

    But anyway, I had no idea there was an APC in the Philippines. I'm going there this December/January for six weeks so I'm definitely gonna bring some extra cash.

  3. Quote:
    Quote: And correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Supreme M65 jackets made by Alpha Industries? You can go to a local military surplus store and buy a brand new one for $75 instead of the $250 plus that Supreme charges.

    You're wrong.

    Supreme M65 jackets may be made by Alpha Industries, but they are nothing like the A.I. M65's you can get at surplus stores.

    --- Original message by eastcoastrider27 on Jun 16, 2006 11:07 AM

    I'm curious, what is the difference? I've been looking for a nice fitting black M65 jacket, but I should probably just wait til this fall since it seems like every streetwear company is dropping their own version.
  4. Someone mentioned on another forum that Blends will be charging around $500. And correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Supreme M65 jackets made by Alpha Industries? You can go to a local military surplus store and buy a brand new one for $75 instead of the $250 plus that Supreme charges.

    Edited by Oldboy on Jun 16, 2006 at 10:31 AM

  5. I have a pair of BB's in a size 33 that actually measure out to a 36, so you're good to go

    fos5.com has them on sale for 199 right now (they usually go for 275)

    Edited by Oldboy on Dec 2, 2005 at 08:37 PM

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