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Posts posted by TheGrapist

  1. All EMS orders get tracking numbers, Priority gets confirmation numbers, both will be sent out by Google Checkout.

    Genocidal, I believe yours was first to be ordered, so actually yours will be shipped out Monday, the other pair will have to wait until later in the week since it was ordered later (and I have a queue to get through, not entirely fair for someone who was waiting a week to get theirs shipped out before someone waiting three months, for example).

  2. whoa. so my 26s indigo 19cms are here!? when you gonna ship mine out? haha! i can't wait, can't wait.

    By the end of the week it'll be shipped out. Might be able to ship them as soon as Monday. I have a huge list of jeans on hold, and a limit as to how much I can put on my card per day (not to mention that I have to wait a few days for funds from recent orders to clear, otherwise I'll end up not having money for food for a few days until it clears). Your jeans are put on hold, if they end up being in the pick up for today or tomorrow, then it'll ship on Monday.

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