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Posts posted by b_mang

  1. dunaj thats exactly how my apc sz 26 fit.. like.. exactly.

    just try to make sure they don't stretch at the knee too much, or else your gonna get knee bags..

    on another note, do you know if that beverly hills store has another size 27 by any chance? if so i might go check it out. i've been looking for some black raws with no designs on the pockets (i don't mind the darts).. i was thinking about the april 77 black raws but i think they wouldn't be thick or stiff enough.

    i want something more like my size 26 new standards..

    i wish my ns 26" fits like that, i think the new standards have a wider leg opening down low than those diors. maybe cures would look like that?


    so. i can barely SQEEZE myself into 26waist new standards and i can only wear them High rise. not all the buttons will button up if i wear them low under my hips. over time, will they eventually go under my hips? maybe hanging off my ass? about how many sizes will it STRETCH out to? thanks PEACE!

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