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Posts posted by superdupersang

  1. id never use this in addressing a female. strictly males. (no homo)

    but there are plenty more derogatory terms (and more graphic)

    axe wound being a particular favourite

  2. Private Message: Re: wtf???

    01-11-2008, 09:15 PM




    Originally Posted by Blackplatano

    dude, wtf?

    Are you looking me up on facebook and shit !?

    Re: wtf???


    Originally Posted by superdupersang

    welcome to the internet.

    now don't be a prick.

    how did you "find" me in facebook since it didn't have no black platano references

  3. 10 things was decent, i mean what sums up the modern consumerist condition more than this?

    Bianca: There's a difference between like and love. Because, I like my Skechers, but I love my Prada backpack.

    Chastity: But I love my Skechers.

    Bianca: That's because you don't have a Prada backpack.

    i'd say the patriot is eminently more worthy of avoidance.

    what are you talking about?

    thats teen comedy magic right there

  4. chinese medicine but huge in korea

    suppose to draw out the bad blood

    never had it done myself but i know plenty that have.

    amazing results but the downside is that the bruises are pretty damn freaky

  5. im in the uk and was listening to pandora till yesterday, by registering as a us citizen (postcode was the whitehouse).

    however now they detected my isp as being in uk.

    is there anyway around this?

  6. for the price of the 'best' macbook air, you can get a 17inch MPB (man bear pig?) and have a MUCH better laptop

    booohoo it wont fit perfectly in one of those paper envelopes

    man pig bear...the legendary half man, half pig, half bear.

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