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Denim R

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Posts posted by Denim R

  1. if you are so into indian food it is worthwhile going to india for a month or so.

    although you will probably think less of the indian food here.

    if you want to blow your mind try the south rather than the north, kerala even to the south west goa.

    good luck

  2. Quote:


    a store named fiasco. there is a store in perth, underground carillon arcade, or a store in fremantle (dont know the exact address?. Heres a link http://www.fiasco.com.au/about.asps . i go to the store in perth, and there are limited sizes available.

    --- Original message by calatrava on Apr 5, 2006 06:44 AM

    calatrava was there much stock at all. my friend wants a pair of dukes in a 32 or 34.

    sounds like they have sold out in ultrasuite

  3. Quote:

    yep, just the two. i'm in the same boat as you, liking straight leg jeans. it's not bad, i'm just not used to it yet. the pair of jeans is pretty nice, i really like the denim, just wish the cut was a tad slimmer and straight.

    --- Original message by obsessis on Mar 8, 2006 05:34 AM

    sound like you need the duke obsessis.
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