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Posts posted by su8m3rg3d

  1. hmm sad to say the massive influx of singaporean wawyt is getting a lil annoying, sometimes i would even ditch the idea of posting mine when I saw so many of our local wawyt.

    Poof and I didn't even have this fuckin singaporean hate problem when we were posting ours during mid to late 06 and that was before this whole rep thingy started.

    I know you guys are hungry for rep but hell, take it easy and give the waywt thread a break man.

  2. Sorry man, just wanna let the Aprils go fast to fund other purchases.

    And I really can't be arsed to post them in the supermarket and deal with overseas shipping.

    just out of curiousity and hope you don't mind me being nosey, what kinda purchases?

  3. a quickie: what do you tell your friends when they ask if you hair only one pair of jeans? it's irritating me and i'm too lazy to tell them the 'raw deal'. somebody save me.

    just say this to them "STFU NOOB"


    just kiddin, just tell them these are raw jeans and are expensive as hell, so you need to wear them as often as you can to make every of your penny worth it.. anyway did you receive any compliments from them that those jeans fit like a glove?

  4. fucking amazing, a tajine and a percolator... wouldn't be surprising at all if there's a shisha at the end of the meal.

    anyway, last night's dinner, with special guest su8m3rg3d, aka stickman. we went korean.

    jellyfish salad

    stir-fried assorted mushrooms

    beef bulgogi

    starchy seafood pancake

    ginseng chicken soup

    and of course, rice and shitloads of kimchi

    the stickman calling is starting to grooooowwww on me man.. I'm soo fuckin honoured to be your 4th girlfriend to have a meal with you at the same korean restaurant, yea? whahhahaa...

  5. ^ What are those?

    Those are pistol star. Zozo.jp used to stock them but not anymore now.. they were last seen on sale for like 3000 yen? god, that was cheap man..

    I had a pair but sold off to someone in here.

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