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Posts posted by makoxboi

  1. hey guys I wear a size 30 in sorahikos slim. I decided to buy a size 31 in these do you think thats a good fit? I'm looking for snug but not too snug fit. My thighs measures about 20iches.

  2. Dang, these just had to come out now huh. I said to myself I wouldnt buy any jeans for months, but damn I couldn' resist ordering these. I just ordered a size 30. I am very excited to get these. =) My last pair of jeans for years I sware lol.

  3. anyone have a pair of the 45 rpm sorahiko slim in a size 29? I want to know the measurements. I know 45 rpm has measurements but i find that they are pretty off from the actual pair. For example i ordered a size 31 and it measured to be around 32. Also if you can what are the thigh and knee measurments?

  4. hey guys whats the difference between the suminandos and the sorahikos slim? I know that the suminandos are black overdyed but other than that is there any difference? Such as fit, cut, and etc? I am considering buying a pair of sorahikos but i cant decide which one to get.

  5. yea i think ill go with the 31s. If they dont fit ill lose a little weight haha. How is the new fit on the sorahikos? I heard they are not as slim anymore. Can anyone post the thigh measurements? Thank you.

  6. I never ordered a pair of one washed jeans before, but I plan to order some 45 rpm sorahiko in O/W. I am just wondering if O/W jeans stretch? If so about how much? I was thinking of sizing down 1 size for them. My waist size is a 31.5- 32 just under my belly button, But i like to wear my jeans low to my hips which are about a 33ish. What size do you guys recommend? Also I'm looking for a snug fit but not too snug lol. Thank you for your time and I am very sorry for the nuisance.

  7. Hey guys

    I want to get a pair of samurai jeans, but i dont know which one to get. I am looking for something that fits like the nudie RRDS. I was considering getting the s5000vx's, or the S510xx19ozll. I am looking for a fit thats not too tight but not too loose. Please help me!

    I am going to order them from Blue in green.

  8. hey guys im going to japan this summer. im going to harajuku and other places in tokyo. i want to buy some sugarcanes while im there, but i dont know what stores sell them there? does anybody know any stores in harajuku or near it that is selling them.

    =) thank you

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