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Posts posted by andrewfuncrew

  1. Quote:

    I am good friends with Mike from Benton Falls. A very tallented guy!

    I am listening to:


    Out Hud




    Basement Jaxx

    the lovemakers

    Spacemen 3

    The Juan MacLean


    the lovemakers

    all the krautrock I can find

    --- Original message by Serge d Nimes on Nov 7, 2005 08:40 PM

    benton falls is great

    new Annie is legit

    You've got nothing but hatred!

  2. Quote:

    Hey Andrew Fun Crew,

    I have told a few folks on here I can do these Jeans fr $98US shipped. I was thinking about starting a thread with some pic's etc. I have changed a few things since these photos, I rivet the back pockets now as opposed to the bar tack shown in the pic's. I have 5 styles, 10 sizes, all 36in inseam but can make them as long as you like. Plain back pockets if you want, no leather label, up to you.

    --- Original message by andewhall on Oct 18, 2005 04:23 PM

    i would definitely be interested were you to post some pictures and descriptions as to how the different styles fit.

    so tight

  3. Quote:

    sorry, because only people who are really interested will message me

    --- Original message by cleanlines on Oct 13, 2005 07:07 AM

    yeah agreed, its hard to tell if you're interested with out hearing a few basic details

    most people will just pass this up without thinking twice

    so tight

  4. those apc's with the knucks in the back pocket are pretty legit

    my friend did that to some levis when we were like sophomores in high schoool

    before either of us knew about dry denim

    he just scraped the back pocket against the ground

    oh the good ol days

    ill post pix of my dry flare glenn ASAP

    so tight

    Edited by andrewfuncrew on Oct 13, 2005 at 10:58 AM

  5. Quote:

    post a picture.

    --- Original message by evlhunter on Oct 8, 2005 01:36 AM

    do you guys have yellow fever or something?

    --- Original message by soleindahole on Oct 9, 2005 04:14 PM

    yellow fever?


    --- Original message by thomas_highstreet on Oct 9, 2005 06:02 PM

    hey fuck you fella.

    --- Original message by soleindahole on Oct 10, 2005 10:28 PM


    so tight

  6. Quote:

    did you wash your jeans after this or are you still holding out a couple of more months? there should some nice wear on them after this, I think.

    --- Original message by horriblyjollyjinx on Oct 9, 2005 04:31 AM

    i did get some good wear on my nudies tonight

    that is for sure

    but as for the writer of this great piece of non fiction

    he doesnt recall writing it

    7 in the a.m. the night has yet to end

    so tight

  7. coco bukey and me were hangin out drinkin one night. Things started to get crotchy . Sparks flew. He looked into my eyes and saw an easy target. With Whiskey on his breath and rage in his mind he grabbed me like keanu reaves in 'the watcher'. Man that little tyke has a grip like a newborn. He cut my clothes off with a boxcutter. He taped some 20 grit sandpaper to his phallus and injected his pee ticket into the holy orifice. I woke up in an alley in Montana. Time passed, beards grew, and my ass swelled. A scaley reptillian arm started to poke out of my ass when i was filled with ecstacy. so i never could be happy. the arm passed notes via aforementioned T-rex alligator arm. it said a thumbs down on the movie Good Will Hunting. Coco bukey buddy ralph bouk found out the day the larvae reptile warm diiger and decided to flush my Jeff Goldblum baby. Now even the rats hate the sewers.

    so tight

  8. Quote:


    my women's rogans....are dank!

    --- Original message by alexbigman on Sep 30, 2005 09:22 PM

    I'm so glad i just happened upon this.

    that i finally had to stop lurking

    and actually register

    Edited by andrewfuncrew on Oct 6, 2005 at 05:31 PM

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