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Posts posted by atariswede

  1. ok guys im confused. http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=30267&itemType=PRODUCT&iMainCat=163&iSubCat=221&iProductID=30267



    are these all the same jean? or are they all different? to me they seem like the colors are different in each of them but I just want to make sure they are all the same tight Italian dry denim jeans. thanks.

    the ones from caliroots are the tight italian dry's and the others are tight italian fashion dry's which are a bit lighter with cream/light yellow stiching!

    i have the dark ones and they are really nice, but the denim is quite thin which is the only problem i have with them.

    hope that helps

  2. first of all great info guys..

    i am looking to buy some denim but i was wondering who makes a good cheap stretch denim? e.g original cheap monday "tight unwashed"

    even if anyone knows where they get thier stuff from

    any help would be amazing

  3. Does anyone own a pair of sunday sun jeans or know anything about them? im thinking of gettin a pair but i wanna hear some comments on them. this is mainly for the swedes since i dont think they sell them abroad but i may be wrong.

  4. My girlfriends got them and she usually wears a 29 waist but she got them in 26, so yeah they are strechy! 30% polyester aswell i think which gives them a bit of ping when you pull at them. hehe

  5. I've got to write an essay about the NikeMayfly for my Management of Innovation class and was wondering if anyone has any good sites or info on it?

    When was the exact date it was first realeased?

    Personal comments on the shoe whould be also be well appreciated. Not really a big fan of nike myself but hey!

    Thanks guys icon_smile_big.gif

  6. Quote:

    nice find.

    when are conservative christians going to realize that they look completely unintelligent and disconnected with reality when they pick these types of battles. i wish cheap mondays didnt even bother to respond to this rediculousness.

    i love the goth quote:

    "i dont have any of these cheap jeans you speak of; but i do have my lip pierced."

    fucking priceless.

    --- Original message by ok on Jan 6, 2006 06:27 PM

    hahahahaha, yeah that quote is awsome and totally random.

    Goths, gotta love em.

  7. damn right.

    at this moment in time i cant find a flaw in cheap monday, possibly the quality of the seams but even that is not to much.

    love the fact that they are made live in the shop, you can stand and what them make the jeans which is pretty kool.

    Edited by atariswede on Jan 6, 2006 at 11:42 AM

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