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Posts posted by vinz

  1. Naw stuff like Bape, even some of the luxury brands they don't go by that, they would do it with a different pricing structure.

    They would probably set up their price points ahead of time say if they want the lowest price point t-shirt to be $60 and the highest price point be $120 then they would establish how many lower price point tees they would make then price everything else accordingly etc etc.

    The production costs wouldn't be a big worry for a comapny like that and even if their production costs goes up, they would just say it's added value and just price the article of clothing even higher.


  2. generally a company wants to make 50% margin on their products. Most people the suggested retail is a 50% margin for the retailer. So take a price of a jean say it's $200 divided by 2 for wholesale and then 50% that for the landed cost for the company.

    There is no set rule for how much things costs but that'll give you a general idea.

    There are tons of variables, and retailers might mark up above what suggested retail is. A company might make more margins on some some jeans but on others the might make less margins. Also things made inhouse verses sourced materials, importing a quota costs etc etc. Sometimes a company marks things up or down just to get a good pricing structure throught the whole line.


  3. I sized down for my APC's, I normally wear a 32 and I got a 30 from the recommendation from the store I bought it at and people from posts on Superfuture. For Levi's repo jeans like say Sugarcane SC41947N I read that it is recommended that we get our true size or size up.

    I've also read here that people would cold soak their repos but I don't see too many people would cold soak their Nudies or APC's as often before wear.

    Is it just because the repo's tend to shrink more? I'm not sure which brands are sanforized but it's weird that for an APC, Acne, or Julian Red, I'd probably size down a size at least. But I'm looking into getting Studio D'artisans and Sugarcanes and I'm going to probably get my true size. I know that APC has sizing issues but there seems to be 2 different takes on sizing and cold soaking regardless if the denim is sanforized or not.


  4. I'm not sure exactly where we are headed in the 2 countries, we might just wing it while we are there. We also might meet a couple friends there. I think we'll get our plans set in the next couple weeks.

    I've been checking out books, checking the web, asking friends, now I'm reading travel blogs, I'm getting mixed answers. Some say it pours and a lot of things are closed, others say it rained but for a brief period but hard, others say it was hard core rain, I hear it's still sunny, regardless of the weather I'm going, just wanted to get some more opinions.


  5. Thinking about going to South East Asia in September. Just wondering how the weather is going to be like then. I keep on reading that it's going to be mad rainy. Is the rain that bad during Sept-Oct?

    I'm not sure where we are going yet but Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia are places we want to check out for sure.



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