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Posts posted by Saucemaster

  1. sauce!

    hows the other sF these days?

    i highlighted the best a part of your post. well said indeed.

    Heh, thanks. I lurk here all the time, but never had much to say, so I haven't posted until now. Figured I'd join the dogpile.

    If I had a kid, I'd definitely take him to a cultpop-designed Halloween party.

  2. You're not a true Chicagoan if you sincerely believe the North Shore sucks.

    Why do I get the feeling your personal tastes are more a consequence of you being a have-not than anything else?

    Why do I get the feeling that your personal tastes are more a consequence of a juvenile sense of entitlement and rampant materialism that leads you to judge others' worth on the basis of "values" that most decent people believe to be character flaws? Cultpop's kid's going to live a horrible life because his daddy didn't teach him that real men gotta get that Benz before they die?

    You're a sick fuck, I'll give you that.

    Long time lurker. Decided to use my first post to point out that you're a douche. That should feel familiar.

    The other sF really needs a Supertrash section. This is awesome.

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