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Posts posted by derek

  1. Snap from today after shooting some product shots for Homage. First Run deck jacket waxed.


    I'm home the holidays and really want to do this to mine. I saw your video clip, but can you give me the details on what wax you used? I suppose I should know this seeing as I've sold so many at Self Edge, but I'm down for a project/bitch experience

  2. Mine are the perfect fade for me right now, mellow with some sharp light blue coming out. I guess I have too many jeans, but I got fucked up on this. It's amazing to see how all of these turned out so different.

  3. my roommate picked up the sexsc02 at SE today and he was told he doesn't need to soak it. the website says its raw unsanforized denim so shouldnt it need a soak?

    Heyo I was working today when he got them. They were tight already, so I recommended to wear them for a bit before soaking them. Otherwise the waist would of been too tight. I couldn't believe a 21 year old guy could fit into that size 25 also

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