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Posts posted by hypnotic

  1. oh um i think he dresses way better than common and mos def

    are you joking

    i actually likes his color combos his clothes are cool but yea im not saying hes the best

    truthfully i dont know how any of you dress

    its like saying oh well i got a chanel dress and you rock it wrong

    really 98% of time its not about what it is its about how you wear it

    and i think he wears his stuff pretty well icon well no but most men are not fashion icons hate to burst your collective bubbles

    out to tax...

  2. yawn

    it was just an ex of what he does badly

    i find most of them to be ugly or just whatever

    shoes should be sexy they arent to me

    i could care less if you dont like my attitude

    out to tax...

  3. donger no harm no foul

    7s dont work for me they are horrible im tired of humanities everyone in nyc wears them if i see another h i think ill vomit

    im thinking rr too or trus

    the person that put me onto this site mentioned that people were assholes so i wasnt sure if you just being an ass

    and i know there arnt too many chics on here but im trying to change that

    um thats about it oh one last thing i wish they would make rises higher or shirts longer flashing your ass on the nycmta is not the move

    shut up jjs

    out to tax...

  4. donger

    im not a dude

    im a chic

    and i dont like chics

    and i dont those jeans

    and her ass is pretty much nonexistent perhaps if she wasnt chinching her waist with an ugly belt she could avoid the rollover

    try again since you want to be cute

    out to tax...

  5. are really ugly i can understand that people THINK they should like them

    but there is nothing attractive about platforms and shoes that are derivatives of something june cleaver wore

    i dont know i really hate his women's shoes

    im not a fan of his line in general but the shoes get the gas face

    out to tax...

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