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Posts posted by emrinderForgotHisPassword

  1. Quote:

    dude it's so obvious your from imperial you've come here yesterday and posted everything about them in every relevant thread right away. it's not even subtle

    --- Original message by emrinderForgotHisPassword on Sep 19, 2005 04:13 PM

    i quote myself comrades, to make my point

    i fought the law and the law won

  2. Quote:

    ok guys,

    these shirts are so played here in good old europe. its not even funny..came out 2-3 years ago..

    its an italian company, as far as i remember...never would buy that stuff.

    but if you guys like it..

    --- Original message by juxtaposed on Aug 16, 2005 09:18 AM

    theyre probably the only decent mainstream tees at that price level

    i fought the law and the law won

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