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Posts posted by Ahlvahroe


    Seven wise men with knowledge so fine,

    created a pussy to their design.

    First was a butcher, smart with wit,

    using a knife, he have it a slit.

    Second was a carpenter, strong and bold,

    with a hammer and chisel, he gave it a hole.

    Third was a tailor, tall and thin,

    by using red velvet, he lined it within.

    Fourth was a hunter, short and stout,

    with a piece of fox fur, he lined it without.

    Fifth was a fisherman, nasty as hell

    threw in a fish, and gave it a smell.

    Sixth was a preacher whose name was McGee,

    touched it and blessed it and said it could pee.

    Last came a sailor, dirty little runt,

    he sucked it and fucked it and called it a cunt.

    i remember first reading this back in middle school, and not thinking it was very funny but laughed anyway so the dude that showed it to me wouldnt feel so bad. so to you i send a fine, haha

    my dad says "my hovercraft is full of eels" all the time

    about a month ago when i was first trying to learn the korean alphabet, i ended up on this korean phrase website and this was one of the actual phrases, which i followed up on and it turned out to be kinda interesting.

  2. yea my family only did cds tho.

    hit up the library for the free rental movies LOL


    LOL i apologize for the first couple seconds.

    ok im going to sleep.

    what teh fuck!? i had no idea that there was a video for this. i am literally shocked right now!

    anyway, god i hate my friday classes, i only teach 3 on fridays fuck god the 3rd class is shitty these kids dont shut up during this entire time, its fucking annoying. i know that i should try to let them be kids but god let me do my job too.

  3. thats why i hate coming into these types of threads, i just keep thinking in X amounts of months once i leave korea im gonna be eating some of these delightful treats.

    pulled pork sandwiches, some coleslaw

    fucking love me some pulled pork

    and I assume real bbq counts.



    crossposts from what are you eating today threak

    fucking love me some bbq

  4. 4621_743164335710_15904009_42450107_1011787_n.jpg

    thats my hand in the background, bitches!

    i do think the fit does look better on dismal then on dizz but like you already said its mostly cause of the slight tightness in teh shoulders.

    anyway, i was fucking impressed with the jacket. the cashmere used on the body and the really nice leather sleeves, the detail on teh hardware used, the craft used on the stitching, all of this is really on point.

    in the back of my head i have a feeling that dismal wasnt planning on making this up to a 52, but we met and he decided to be a nice enough guy to include that sizing with it, but i could be wrong

  5. the "native american" character in twilight wore a varsity jacket to the mtv movie awards


    i keep feeling bugs on me, is maybe cause a spider was crawling on my arm today and i had to kill on my arm =/

    was it the temple of jawnz one, cause those are fly. dismalfuture showed me the prototype last night, fucking awesome (more details to come)

    besides that my body is so sore right now. i went mountain climbing 2 days ago, and like always its not the next day that i feel sore, its teh day after that really kills me. so im hurting right now

  6. Looks like our first stock of Real McCoys is coming June 20th...

    nice! after visiting the real mccoy store in osaka, i have to say that those are some of the finest garments ive ever handled. i only bought 1 flannel but still the rest of the line is very impressive.

  7. ^^ They're No.2 denim, right? Not had too much experience with No.2 beyond my jacket, but it could be down to that...

    Badly damaged?

    actually not really that badly damaged, just a tiny hole in teh lower leg and a tiny tear in the hem, but ill try to patch it up but still, i would prefer they still were unscathed

  8. i remember reading that evisu faded fairly slow, but my evisu are fading alot faster than my redmoons (those are some of the most stubborn jeans ive ever had). but then again i was so drunk this weekend that i decided to slide down some banister which did do some unexpected damage at the time.

  9. You MUST eat jerk chicken dude, you're seriously missing out on a delish dish.. What area you live around Ahlva?

    well right now im living in seoul, the anti good food capital of the world, but im from san jose, ca. so i think itll be easier to find once i head back to san jose.

  10. I don't care if this has been posted already but fuck, Jerk chicken is my food of choice..

    Add some chilli peppers to this bad boy and I'm good.


    i feel like i have failed in some way by saying this but i have never eaten jerk chicken, but its still on my to-do-list

  11. alright so last night i went to bar hopping with my buddy ben and we finally stay at this one spot cause the bartender is giving us strong ass long islands, so we get pretty drunk fairly quick, then the group sitting next to us asks us to join them which we do. they proceed to give us shots of peach schnaps which was ok, but we are just fucked up by then. then they say they want to take us to a spot to get some traditional korean food and drinks so we agree to that too.

    once we get there they serve us some tofu stew stuff and some chicken dish, which doesnt suck but wasnt that great either, and of course they bust out the bottles of soju so i knew this wasnt gonna end well. so after countless shots i excuse myself go out side and 'pull the trigger' into an inconspicuous flower bed. then i go inside again and every has had enough to drink so it is time to go. so we go outside exchange numbers and ben and me head to the subway station since it had reopened cause it was 6 am.

    after a few stops i tell him im getting off at some random stop cause i have to throw up again, and he says he is too drunk to make it back alone so he follows me. i got off teh train and tell him ill be back cause im heading to the bathroom, and take off. so i get in there and handle business, walk out and cannot find him. i call his phone and find out he got lost and decided to take a cab home, i said cool im broke so im taking the subway home. i get on the subway and somehow fall asleep.

    i finally wake up and realize i am in the complete opposite side of seoul, and decide that it would be faster to just stay on teh train and do a complete loop than get off and try a different line. so since i know i have like an hour before i get to my stop i fall asleep again. i wake up later and see i have like 5 stops before i get to my final destination so im feeling relieved. and tragically, even though it only felt like i blinked, i fell asleep again, and i realize that i am now 15 stations past where i need to be. but this time i decide to get off and grab a connecting subway line and get home in like 15 minutes. so what went from a 25 minute quick train ride turned to this huge 3 hour ordeal to get home.

  12. asians that speak fluent spanish/portugese creep me out a little bit...just like like a dog that meows.

    i actually met a korean chick that spoke (broken) spanish last night, it was such a turn on for me though. so we chatted in spanish for a while but her crew was kinda possessive so i kept getting a 'stay away' vibe from em, actually one guy did tell me not to touch her, got her number anyway but was way too drunk to get/remember her name, cause her crew did give a ton of alcohol to my friend and me.

  13. I'm living in a young'ish women's neighborhood again lately and it's been good. The girls look good, everything is cheap, the girls look good.

    after reading this i was gonna suggest a meet up (actually ive been feeling situated for a bit so i was gonna soon anyway) but im too fucking hung over.

  14. ive lost apprx 20 lbs and two inches off my waist since moving to new york.

    i havent been to the gym once. havent even gone jogging.

    i live off cheeseburgers, dollar slices, and malt liquor, consumed by and large after 10pm.

    i can now fit back into two pairs of 300 dollar jeans i had "grown out" of.

    yessssssssssss! :):):)

    im on teh same boat, ive dropped 20 lbs since moving to seoul, and my diet isnt exactly what you call exemplary either, ill just attest it to not driving any more.

    anyway i just took my first real korean lesson a little while ago, like 2 hours of it and fuck my brain is fried. there is something good that comes with trying to learn a new language but damn i can actually feel my brain learning parts are moving that are not used to moving anymore.

  15. ill just assume this thread isnt just about the jeans. do they make a bigger size for this shoe, im a 10.5 and there i no way in could squeeze in to an 8, i mean teh black ones of course


    damn a year later and i find out for myself. so a couple of weeks ago when i was in osaka i went into the dry bones shop and i tried this pair on. and to my surprise i fit into a size 8, but it was very narrow, the length was spot on but it was way too narrow and if i went up a size it would have been, obviously, too long. so unfortunately these will never make it to my closet

  16. last night was awful it was like my brain was misfiring. one of my co-workers told me some people he knew were getting together for dinner and i should join, my stomach had been upset all day but i decided to go anyway. i go and meet these people, who are decent people didnt really get an uncomfortable vibe from them like some of the other people ive met here, and we have dinner. we end up at this vietnamese spot and while they fucked up my order and i had to get it redone, it was really good. then after we head to some bar, while there my stomach was really hurting so i take off and go home. while im at home i take some stomach medicine and it starts feeling better. after a while i get a text from another friend and he says if i want to meet him up, he is heading to another bar, so i say sure and head out.

    once i get there, im just not feeling right, like out of it. like i eventually meet up with my friend and everywhere we went i felt really uncomfortable, even spots i frequent. i ended up spending a huge portion of teh night just randomly walking in teh rain cause my head was telling me that i didnt want to be indoors. i didnt feel like drinking, or talking to anyone, i only even danced with 1 girl and even then i just wanted to go. i dont think ive ever felt that way before, i feel perfectly fine today but damn i felt weird last night.

    [end rant]

  17. i'm a pretty violent person when it comes to sleeping.

    when i was a kid and used to sleep with my mom whilst my dad was away busy acting all CSI, i would accompany her.

    usually the next morning she'll tell me: "you slapped/punched/kicked" me last night.

    when i was a kid i was a little violent too. i remember when we went to go see my grandparents in mexico we would have to share beds and i would get a 'you kicked me a bunch of times last night' the next day. then one time it back fired, i dreamed that i was fighting my brother and i grabbed his faced and headbutted him, which led to me waking up cause i ended up headbutting the wall, sucked had a decent sized cut on my nose cause of it.

  18. I like those, and good to see something different from the norm in here...don't suppose you took measurements before hemming did you? Would be interesting to do a direct comparison with Lot 0005 to see how they shape up...

    just took a quick measure and the original hem was about 8 inches across, and now its at 8 and a half, and the thigh is about 12 and 1/4 inches across. the front rise is about 12 and a half inches the back rise is about 15 and 1/4. oh and i got a size 33.

  19. ok so i got some, somewhat shitty pics im gonna share of teh 2005 fit


    like i said it is a really 'carrot fit' loose thigh and very tapered hem, i actually cut off 3 inches from teh inseam so it isnt as tapered as when i first got them but i like it better with teh shorter inseam.

    it is gonna take some getting used to cause my current pair (redmoon 201) are slim straight, with a pretty low rise, so it is a fairly drastic change in fit.


  20. on the flip side i was thinking about teh pros of fapping. a few weeks ago i had a root canal done, and i was in intense pain, i dont think ive ever been in that much constant pain. so i decided to experiment and though, if i jack it right now would my brain stop focusing on my tooth and more on my 'shit.' so i began and the pain did lessen, but once i realized that it was almost time to go to work, i went and finished and the pain came back. but tehn again i dont think i could have continued for the 7-8 hours that i was in actual pain, so yeah.

  21. rihanna and cassie and now DANIWAY so fuck it.

    damn i guess i dont check this place as much as i should, cause this sounds kinda interesting, will try to find on my own, but any help would be appreciated.

    im not joining cause i dont really jack it everyday so more power to those that do. but i did go like 2 weeks with out, a couple of weeks ago, was too busy to find time, but when i did it was quite the tribute to fapping.

    some of the ways that you guys are talking is hilarious though, like 'i havent popped in 3 days and im starting to hear a sloshing sound from my balls' or something to that extent.

  22. you guys better say thanks for this one, cause i actually had teh foresight to grab this.


    the staff there was awesome too. im kinda pissed i was looking over the catalog that they gave me and there is this bad ass hoody in there that i wish i saw before i left osaka. oh well, next time, i there is a next time.

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