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Posts posted by imisssefler

  1. Hmm yeah, that's what I've been thinking. But supposedly they came out with the Bickles?

    the nomads came out, both the 3L and the 2.5L dado. with the economy being how it is i'll venture a guess that resellers aren't taking any chances on $800 jackets. probably why there's like only 2 listings for the new outerwear on yahoo.jp auctions. union is going to be getting the foleys and logans next week, among other things, so they might be getting the nomads. i dunno for sure.

  2. this is just my little spat of deductive reasoning. i'm sure someone will tell me i'm dead fucking wrong but whatever.

    i doubt visvim is going to give them a huge discount. they just don't need their business that badly. so, for union, having visvim is like an audi dealership having an R8. the profit margins on $120k halo cars are surprisingly terrible but they get people's interest sparked and into the dealership. next, if shipping is $40 for one pair of shoes, imagine what union is paying to get that shit here. once it gets here, you have a pay a tariff. i'm not up on the rates but i imagine because of the costs of goods being imported is already high, they're paying a lot in taxes just to get it out of customs. then you have to factor in the amount of time spent going through this bullshit, store overhead costs, rising yen, slumping sales from the shit economy, etc. After all this, they still need to make a profit. like i said before, union seems to be stocking visvim because they truly love their products, not to gouge a bunch of dorks.

    its a bummer for fans that the prices have risen so much, but 2 years ago visvim wasn't having photo shoots in fucking cuba or having 2 full seasons of 2.5 different lines a year. the folk line must've cost a fucking shit-ton in development, 2/3s of the shoes have a different outsole, whereas visvim had like 2 cheap ass outsoles they used before. its just how it is and if the brand is too rich for your blood, then sign online and tell everyone "visvim is dead."

  3. yeah, i get the impression union isn't really thrilled with having to charge that much though. the dudes there genuinely love the products and when you have to charge a lot for stuff it becomes harder to sell which in turn means you can't order as much or some of the more unconventional pieces.

  4. A bickle is a jacket, not a bag. Retail 1,700.

    union LA just got them bickies in. black, navy, and olive. $1150 retail, which is a bit more than what it'd cost for a proxy who charges 15% and paypal fees. But at least you get to try it on.

  5. what the hell does louis vuitton have to do with visvim? they are 2 completely different businesses and i ain't even talking about the products they sell.completely different marketing strategies, target groups, revenue etc etc.

    It makes a lot of sense to LV because their old costumers still buy the limited stuff they come out with, the ghetto fabulous rappers are the tip of the iceberg on their sales. the same does not apply to visvim since i am sure that in comparison the gline and this kind of stuff generates a much higher percentage of their total business revenue than a pair of sunglasses pharrell designed to the total LV sales.

    it makes sense to create a product that brings more clients to the table, but to make one that alienates your previous costumers on top of that doesn't. do you see eric clapton, fujiwara or hiroki himself wearing something like this?

    no, it doesn't make sense to the brand either. look at a visvim catalogue and tell me in which look does a pair of kiefers with an all-over flower print fits in

    Louis Vuitton used Murakami for many of the recent colorful designs that have sold incredibly well for the brand. its not like this is an entire season of Murakami's design, complete with flower print nomads and e-cats. its a few products, some of which are actually subtle, with Murakami's beloved flower print. don't worry, i'm sure there will still be black suede FBTs in Visvim's near future.

  6. I've walked extensively in both Folk Lhamo/Folk Bearfoot FBT without socks and they were fine although the Folk non-Bearfoot FBTs are much more comfortable I find.

    i only assumed this might've been common because 2 of my friends with lhamo visvims and myself have had the same problem.

  7. if anyone has a pair of the S/S 2008 llamo folks (fbt or hockney) and worn them barefoot for any kind of decent distance perhaps you've noticed they give you blisters. well, the F/W 2008 hockney folks seemed to have used a suede-like insole instead of the leather one and that seemed to have cured the problem. the americana deck shoes do not have the suede insoles though.

    yes, i love the folk series.

  8. Jeezus louiseus, I'm so sick of people making fun of this guy's name. It's stupid but he already explained that someone else made if for him, so for all of you fucking Rodney Dangerfields in every thread with the "oh it's so fucking funny you tYpEd LiKe thIs onCe" like you invented making fun of people, give it a rest.

    In response, I have no clue, but I'd think that since PRPS is an American brand (right? started by the guy who founded AKDMKS as well yeah?), they would be cheapest in the US, since clothes are ususally (though not always), cheapest in their country of origin.

    to me, its even more humorous to continue to give him shit about his user name even after he explained that someone else made it for him. its fun just to see how many times he will explain himself so he'll get an answer for his original question.

    anyway, if you're willing to pay $450 for a belt that retails for $100 less why do you give a shit how much you'll save on some jeans you can buy on the neiman marcus website? or the commonwealth website?



  9. is having your user name typed out like ThIs PaRt Of BeInG fAsHiOnAbLe? i have always assumed that only the world's most stupid people type like that but maybe a fashionable modern man, like yourself, can break that assumption.

  10. my girlfriend just got 2 pairs of jeans from a brand called the stronghold and they are both selvedge. one is a capri one wash and the other is distressed and normal length. very cute and not baggy at all. she got them from blue bee jeans in santa barbara. they also sold men's jeans too, also selvedge.

  11. 45rpm ought to do something like that or at least someone ought to. you go in and get a pair of jeans that you pick everything. weight of denim, placement of back pockets, length of rise, leg opening, etc. completely bespoke. god, that would be amazing. anyone want to point me in the direction of where i might be able make my dream a reality?

  12. i went to ron herman last weekend and ordered a pair of their prewashed jeans. wash 6 i think it was called. anyway, i should get them next week or hopefully this week. the salesman told me i was the first person to do it. haha, i hope it turns out okay. i'll post pics when i get them.

  13. Quote:

    Plenty of people love Helmut Lang.

    Does anyone have an opinion of the jeans from Jean Shop in NYC? I lucked into a pair and I'm super impressed with them, but I've never seen anyone mention them on here.

    --- Original message by mcflip on Feb 23, 2006 02:28 PM

    Yeah I would say Jean Shop is pretty underrated....I walked into their store once, great denim and a reasonable alternative for 45 RPM as for as finding Japanese-style selvedge is involved (even though i know Jean shop isn't japanese, hence the -style).

    --- Original message by Fade to Black on Feb 23, 2006 02:59 PM

    i stumbled upon Jean Shop and bought a pair of the dry classic fits last month and i love them.

    Edited by imisssefler on Feb 26, 2006 at 06:06 AM

  14. i know bape is very much over hyped, especially the stuff that is "childish" or very loud. i've never been much for brands that basically make you a walking billboard and bape is one of the best examples of that. But I gotta admit, I love that animal kingdom hoodie and the chomper hoodie is looking pretty hot to me. they're just very 'neat'. those patent dot bapestas weren't too bad either.

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