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Posts posted by Nobody

  1. Checked the Nudie Raifs today, and the cut seems just like what I was after. they didn't have them in dry selvage, but I can order them. My question is in relation to Wild_Whiskey's comment:

    Can I really take out the back pocket seam without leaving a mark? Has anyone done this successfully, and better still, does anyone have a picture of it?

    Seems like it would work, but I'm a little apprehensive spending nearly $300 on some jeans and then messing them all up.

    Once again, I really appreciate all your help.



    The Rabbit Of Seville

  2. Hi All,

    I'm looking for a pair of dry selvage denim that fit slighty loose in the leg with a little bit of a bootcut.

    Does Levis make a jean like this? The cut of some WE jeans I like, but they're all artificially "worn" and the denim seems cheap...

    Put it this way, I've been wearing APC Rescues and i think the bootcut is too subtle so I want to switch it up.

    I've used the search function here, but there is way too much information to wade through so I'm hoping one of you just might have a few suggestions. I'm not too fussed about price, but I'm smitten by top-quality.

    Thanks for the help,


    The Rabbit Of Seville

  3. I don't understand...have they finally discovered who he is?

    Is he performing in Glasgow on Sunday?


    I find this hard to believe, he's as reclusive as the one responsible for the Toynbee Tiles.

    Can you elaborate?

    Thanks, I'm really interested.

    The Rabbit Of Seville

  4. Can anyone recommend a good shirt maker in Chicago?

    Doesn't have to be the 17th Century generational $1000/shirt 20 fittings type, just a reputable made-to-measure tailor for shirts in the Windy City. If anyone has any recommends, I'd really appreciate it as Christmas is fast approaching and all my shirts are beat to death.

    While we're at it, what about suits?


    The Rabbit Of Seville

  5. Realistically, it depends on your body: how wide your shoulders are, how big your chest is, and how long you are in the torso. It's all relative. Supreme tees do run a little bit on the long side, but if you're looking at plain colors, check the GAP. The tees they sell 2-in-a-bad alongside their underwear.

    No kidding. White, black, or heather. They feel like combed cotton, slim fitting, and cheap.

    The consistency of cut is WAY better than AA, and they're long.

    The Rabbit Of Seville

  6. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a top-notch denim repair place in Chicago.

    I have a pair of well worn APC Standards that require some reconstruction around the button-fly and I'm pretty fussy about the quality of workmanship. I've just recently moved to the area so any of you wouldn't mind sharing the info, I would really appreciate it.


    The Rabbit Of Seville

  7. No lie: every surplus shop I go to either has brand new "M-65 style" jackets, or some garbage that just won't do. For whatever reason, I'm not feeling these new joints. I find the material is way too coarse and I don't think it's the same jacket at all. I'd like to find a nice used one. One where the collar still stands up. The photo that englandmj7 posted is EXACTLY what I'm looking for in a size small. Can any of you dudes help out? Anyone have any reliable sources online? Tracking and checking army surplus store wears on the skin pretty quickly.

    I did check cheaperthandirt.com and majorsurplusnsurvival.com (thanks Miguel) but they aren't coming through.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks again.

    The Rabbit Of Seville

  8. Yeah, I'm with this dude.

    The New Standards, to me, are a real leg fitter. I find the lower leg way too narrow, but that's just a personal preference. Mind you, this is coming from someone who was rocking the same pair English for four years so it was a huge jump.The Rescue is nice, but I'd love if it had a little bit more "boot" in the cut.

    I'm all about the easy, so I'll stick with the Rescue for a while, it's a happy medium and you can wear them in yourself.

    Good luck finding the perfect jean, it's like finding the perfect white tee.

    The Rabbit Of Seville

  9. I'm with por que...if you're going to get spazzy over a bag, go for the OG.

    A lot of companies just re-make an existing bag, military or not...

    Just becuase they changed the materials and emroidered their own logo on it doesn't change a thing.


    If you're rocking a surplus USAF Alice, then you ARE the curve and the pack can follow...

    And seriously, I was holding that Supreme duffel 2 days ago. It's dope. Way dope. Dope color. Dope shape.

    No kidding.

    The thing is, I saw EXACTLY the same bag at "Winners" in Vancouver for $29.99.

    EXACTLY, just no Barbara Kruger logo.

    Therefore: bullshit.

    The Rabbit Of Seville

  10. Reaperducer,

    Sounds like you're a familiar...

    All the neighbourhoods you mention sound like up-and-comers...

    We're looking for like greystones or brownstones, something with character...high-rises won't really fit the bill...

    What do you think of the other zones recommended previously like Buck Town and West Loop and the like?

    I've heard Chi-town is kind of harsh so I'm not trying to be a pioneer or anything...

    That being said, I really am intersested in the direction you've mentioned.

    Just trying to find a dope neighbourhood.

    Keep it coming, fellas!

    The Rabbit Of Seville

  11. Wow, thanks so much for the info.

    I really do appreciate you guys pointing me in the right direction...

    I'll be checking BuckTown, West Loop, Old Town, Wicker Park, and Licoln Park.

    Good looking out, money!

    The Rabbit Of Seville

  12. Thanks for the reply so far...

    Rockn, a couple more questions:

    -Which of these neighbourhoods are the largest/most diverse?

    It would be nice to find something that is the most culturally robust and proximity to sporting arenas is low on the priority list.

    shoeraider, I've bookmarked your website and I'll keep checking in.

    Do any of you guys live there?

    Thank you and keep the advice coming!

    The Rabbit Of Seville

  13. Hello.

    Wondering if any of you might shed some light on the best Chicago neighbourhoods.

    Including housing, restaurants, shopping, public transportaion, centralized location, etc...

    ...Where's the best place to live in Chicago?


    The Rabbit Of Seville

  14. Seriously?


    This shit is fucking terrible!

    Whatever happened to trying? Trying . Ever heard of it?

    Sorry to be a dick, but is this website just for people to submit the same boring shit everyone else is up on?'

    It's all the same!!!

    Get some style, it's not that hard!!! Don't be so lazy!

    If you're Mr. Artist and everybody and their fucking dog has a American Apparel T-shirt Sweatshop Free T-shirt line, why should anybody care?

    Are your designs better? Ask yourself....what's different about them?

    "The dudes just having fun, and Shepard Fairey, Neckface and others let the dude lurk, so he must be doing something right... Right? Right!"

    Are you kidding me???

    Man, I WAY prefer the dudes taking pictures of their jeans every 3 weeks to lazy-bones, making half-assed derivatives of bad ideas in the first place....

    You might as well ban me now if this is what it's all about.

    That, and The Hundreds. Don't get me started on "drippy" paint t-shirt graphics...

    I expect better from ALL OF YOU GUYS.

    You all have good taste, that's why this site exists...it's time to start using it.

    The Rabbit Of Seville

  15. There's no way this shoe was designed by Supreme.

    As much as that company has some bullshit principals, they always design clean shit and have relatively good taste. I can't believe they would use this shoe as a double-label, it's too ugly and has no history.

    I'm sure it just "supreme", not Supreme.

    The Rabbit Of Seville

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