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Posts posted by M.O.A

  1. holy shit bliss, those fucking jeans look so rad...good shit.....

    anyways, as i said i washed my pac's last night....well i rinsed em out and shrunk them back down.....here are the pics of them today



    the only thing is that these jeans are still a waist size too big....oh well....another couple months and these should look great

    F**K HYPE




    Edited by kixslf on Oct 13, 2005 at 07:06 PM

  2. okay, i decided it was time for an update...i havent done one of these in a while so here it goes.

    first up is my apc standerds. I loved these jeans and i am pretty happy about the way they are ageing. I am especielly happy with the contrasting on the seat of the pants and the front on the thighs.....i cant wait to wash em to see how they end up lookin.

    i have been wearing these for about 4 months. Unfortunetly i havent been wearing them recently for a few reasons.

    1) the damn jeans stretched so much and now they just fit like crap everywhere....doesnt work very well with a pair of jeans that have a 8.5 leg opening.

    2) they smell horrendous....all that skating and stuff this summer did a number on my jeans....it def quickened the ageing process but....ewww...i cant even stand it anymore......i wore the, last night and it was just terrible

    3) for some reason that i cant even seem to understand...the damn honey combs refuse to define themselves properly....i understand that apc's dont get as defined as nudies but come on.......where the fuck are they.....what there is didnt show up in the pic very well....oh well



    next up are my nudies......i love these jeans....they are fantastic....i have had them for about a month now and they are wearing very nice.....the wiskers and honeycombs are starting to really look nice. they have stretched a bit thus far but regardless they still fit great....the pockets are starting to look real nice too.....anways....they are jkust greycasted RR's...i couldnt afford the dry selvedge....oh well...someday.....



    one more thing...does anyone else think that i should just go for it and wash my apc's...they seem to be pretrty worn down and i dont know how well the honey combs will come in...and boy...they smell...so ....guys should i wash em or wait it out? I dont see myslef wearing that often because of how much they have stretched and because im always wearing my nudies.

    F**K HYPE




  3. "kixself do you still wear your apc's you haven't posted them for a while, be keen to see how they are going."

    dude, i have been wearing my nudies a lot but they are looking good....ill post pics soon....i am just having trouble with the freakin honeycombs.....they dont seem to be comin in too well.....

    and about my shoes.....i like to wear high tops loose like that.....that pair was especielly loose but whatever....not a big deal

    F**K HYPE




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