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Posts posted by LIVENUDEGIRLS

  1. I'm convinced this is it. It's pretty brilliant if you think about it... An ending like that makes the ending absolutely spoiler proof. None of the actors or spectators involved could have predicted what the ending was. The ending was provided by the editing.

  2. its fucking bullshit as far as i'm concerned. its probably hbo's chickenshit way of preserving the show for future use. motherfuckers. I'm done, out of pure principle.


    I read this on IMDB's forums and it makes sense...

    As tony was looking at his daughter comeing in it went black from behind he was killed. The reason I know he was killed was because it was a foreshadow when Bobby said when you die everything goes black and you dont hear anything. Most people didnt get that.

  3. just realized I fucked up the mispelling on the title!

    Considered posting in elnaturals' thread, but didn't want to shit it up. Title says it all. Just some stuff I'm looking for, if anyone has any either item and looking to unload them, pm me.

    As far as the cures are concerned, I've been spending alot and would like to avoid paying retail for these if I can.

    As far as the Varvatos are concerned, I just can't afford retail. I'm making it general because just about everything I've seen, (new and old) I like. But prefferably, I'd like something I can wear with jeans and they have to have laces.

    Also if you have anything that is similar to what I've posted, feel free to pm me.

  4. Just looking for a quick response here.

    I've been looking through all the washing methods, and I'm just not sure which one to use!

    I've worn my Nudie Slim Kims for 9 months without washing, and I think I'm gonna finally wash them tonight.

    I want to bring them back to the fit they had when I first bought them, without too much length shrinkage. I'm also looking to get the absolute most contrast I can - I want to maintain some of the indigo so I can go another 9 months!

    Thanks in advance, and I'm sorry if this is super redundant. I know people ask this shit all the time.

    If shrinking is your priority, I would go with a hot wash and put them in the dryer inside out. Naturally some of the indigo will fall off, but it is going to fall off regardless if you've worn them for that long. It might just be a little less if you hand wash and dry, but from my experience that will not shrink jeans back to pre-stretch proportions... Good luck!

  5. can I use the 20% off sufu code for this sale? btw I cannot find it, does anyone have it handy.


    Nah, you definitely can't. It was talked about on styleforum.

  6. hah no problem. i save EVERYTHING.

    That's cool. You probable have quite the collection of pics. If you ever run into the picture that has all three jeans, please let me know. thanks.

  7. hi, Im looking into buying some dukes. My true waist is 32. I don't want a tight fit, should I sz up to 33 or 34?

    I'll put up some post soak measurements of a 32 a little later to give you some perspective.

  8. ^^interesting. my seller asked for paypal fees and those were included in my payment.

    Fortunately, I've never had anyone fuck me over by not shipping the items. Anyone had any experience with this? Are you protected at all by paypal for something like that?

    Edit: also, I don't think anyone should conditionally "dib": as in dibs pending measurements. You should only dib if you are certain you are going to purchase something.

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