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Posts posted by disasterrrrrrrrr

  1. Yea I would probley never buy it. Its $33 on zazzle which I think is over priced. Speaking of the mykitas I tried on a pair my friend has. Its not the color lense I would get but same frame. What do you all think?


    they may be a little too wide for your face.

  2. this isn't really a purchase, rather a late birthday gift. my good friend had her aunt knit me this irish sweater for my birthday, i'm beyond excited. now, as it hits 95 degrees, i can't wait for winter again. i think i'm developing a handmade garment fetish


    this is real nice.

  3. haha, sufu is so predictable.

    leonard leroy - i'm a fan of it being tucked behind your ear in that side shot. it actually looks really good from the side, but not so great from the front. almost as if it's a completely different cut. i would suggest thinning out your hair.

  4. 319548586.jpg

    you cant even see my hair that well, but its a pretty straight forward cut.

    i have an appointment in about a month. my girlfriend has a picture of hair she says its hot, but i see "marlboro country junkie" when i look at it. i will try to post that here later.

    not really for you people to tell me what to do because i dont trust any of you, more so that this thread has something to look at.

  5. actually, 4chan isnt where it started, the anonymous of 4chan just adopted it and apparently everyone thinks this is a 4chan thing now.

    p.s. - im sorry im not as fast at the internet as everyone else :( pity me?

  6. Maybe point out that Scientology is anti-Christian:

    "For those of you whose Christian toes I may have stepped on, let me take the opportunity to disabuse you of some lovely myths. For instance, the historic Jesus was not nearly the sainted figure has been made out to be. In addition to being a lover of young boys and men, he was given to uncontrollable bursts of temper and hatred that belied the general message of love, understanding and other typical Marcab PR."

    See OTVIII - Hubbard claims Jesus was a pedophile from here and discussed on digg

    Documentary videos

    Videos such as this one- hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPol_m8wm8Y help show the true face of Scientology. The camera man let himself be put into quite a scary situation. If I was him I'd have been shitting bricks. We can counteract their videos of lies by showing the truth. If you do make these videos DO NOT goad or taunt the CoS members in any way. Let the world see how they behave in the face of calm reason and peacefull rationality. And don't do it alone. Make sure you have some sort of backup, so if the shit hits the fan you have a witness and someone else who can call the police.

    Make it Easy

    Most people involved in the movement sit in front of their computers all day. I'm sorry to say it, but it's true. We need to come up with ways which make it extremely easy to contribute. Here are a few suggestions

    Letters to Congress


    Poll Spamming<-----This is what scientology does

    Distribute fliers in the neighborhoods of known Scientologists with information regarding the organization to create social paranoia. Stick to the War of Words, do not scare away potential allies by forcing information down their throat.

    Iowa, your Senator Grassley has a long history of launching congressional investigations into non-profits with tax-exempt status who he believes to be exploiting said status. Send him mail urging him to investigate the Church of Scientology. Concentrate on its financial success as a non-profit and the way it exploits its members for every cent.

    Newbies, like myself, need a clear and concise overview with suggestions on how to get involved and contribute. Not all sympathizers are naive and best used as cannon fodder or CoS bait. This will be especially true for real life operations in areas where the core Anons don't have a presence.

    From the Inside

    Scientology is effective at controlling information available to the public through litigious (and other unsavory) means, but it is even better at controlling information to those already lured into its clutches. Any success in cracking this shield WILL yield benefits.

    For this facet, intimidation and harassment are not helpful; education is.

    Contact scientologists via email, snail mail, flyering, or any other conceivable method with the TRUTH! Objective, verifiable information disseminated to those on the inside may help break up the ranks.


    As an outsider, one of the first things I notice is the extremely large number of targets: websites, phone numbers, fax machines, email addresses, businesses, etc. I'm sure that being able to raid as many targets as possible simultaneously is a great benefit of the crowd/mob organization of Anon, it is much less effective than a more focused approach.

    Take phone lines and prank calls for example. If the goal of the prank calls is to slightly annoy, or even amuse, CoS operators, then the current approach is appropriate. However if the goal is to truly disrupt CoS operations, then the lines need to be tied up at all times. This may be happening in some cases already (if so, it should be publicized), but with so many targets it probably requires an absolutely massive number of calls to tie them up 24/7, or even during business hours.

    It would be a good strategy to identify the most important targets and bottlenecks and focus energy to completely shut them down. Since I know nothing about the CoS organization and operations, I can't suggest specifics. Possibly Anon could choose to tie up just the phone lines in LA and NY for example, but really shut them down.

  7. Introduction

    The current ddos attack strategy will only be effective for a few days at best. As a result, many anons came together last night to discuss possible ways of hurting the Church of Scientology from a long term perspective.

    The problem with the ddos attack is that the attack itself can simply be solved by adding more servers. As we all know, Scientology has a huge amount of resources. If we are to be truly effective at fighting CoS - we'll need to look at IRL methods.

    Possible battle strategies

    Fight the Suppression of Information

    Fight the CoS PR machine by outmaneuvering them. Publicize their secrets so that popular culture uses the info against them. The CoS look like a bunch of fools when they attempt to suppress information.


    Spread the CoS's "religious texts". Use torrent sites such as Piratebay, Mininova, etc. Upload documents to google, yahoo or microsoft and other large tech portals. Save evidence as photos or ZIPs and upload to tinypic, imageshack, mediafire/rapidshare, etc.

    Information was meant to be free. When presented correctly, it catches like wildfire and cannot be stopped. Accompany docs and videos with "Copyrighted content shared under USC.107, Fair Use." If CoS tries to hide this info from public view, they'll end up looking like even more like a religion full of crackpots.

    If CoS goes after Pirate Bay or any other popular website, it will anger an even larger portion of the online community.


    Go to the forums.

    Hand out flyers near CoS locations. Conduct the same disinformation campaigns they do. Plaster over their signs with your signs. Avoid outright vandalism, graffiti and destruction, because that alienates the public and hurts our credibility.

    Send anon-reviewed press releases to local media. Hand them a story that demands a rebuttal, such as "allegedly responsible for the deaths of 5 former members" or "secretive organization angers YouTube viewers." Include solid, cited evidence (which Scientology can't provide.) Read Wikipedia and Operation Clambake publicly-verifiable information such as court hearings, etc.

    The Law is on Their Side, but not Everywhere

    This doesn't make them right. Scientology has been denied tax exempt status in many nations including Belgium, Russia, Canada, Greece, France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

    Support and Publicize Scientology's Victims

    A big problem right now is Scientology's suppression organization. It is essential that we form a support organization to help those that Scientology goes after. We need to make it safe for those who criticize Scientology to continue doing so.

    We all know CoS has a large legal team, so it'll important for us to focus on small battles at first. CoS routinely goes after small fish in the sea in an effort to protect their organization. If we form a support structure to defend these individuals, we can chew at CoS's resources and win easy victories.

    CoS routinely engages in behavior which is considered harassment under US law. It would be easy for us to fund a small legal battle which could in turn fund a chain of further civil lawsuits against CoS. This could be comparable to how big tobacco was taken down.

    Find Public Figures

    As the movement begins to mature, it'll be necessary to find people who are willing to publicly stand up to Scientology. Preferably, these will be from those who have already spoken out (professors, lawyers, etc). This is necessary in order to legitimize the movement.

    There are already many public figures and groups that should be considered allies. Anon should reach out to them, explain what's going on and how each could assist the other. Anon could be an important source of support for public facing groups, helping to raise funds, publicize events, get media attention, do research or surveillance, or offer technical support. In return the groups can offer Anon another avenue to the media, public and current and ex scientologists that may be more approachable for some.

    There should at least be a list.

    Get Media to Report and Expose Scientology

    A big problem right now is that whenever the media attempts to report on Scientology, Scientology sends out it's harassment and legal squads to go after the news organizations involved. In most cases, news organizations cave in.

    We need to prevent this from happening. We need to signal to the media that caving into CoS is unacceptable.

    Watch the Watchers

    Once it is safe to do so, willing insurgents should take their video cameras to the large Orgs and film at and around the buildings. The orgs are notorious for shadowing anyone suspicious nearby, and a bold move like this may likely provoke an interesting response from Org security personnel which would make a fantastic addition to the Youtube videos. One suggestion would be to use a buddy system: one person carrying a regular video camera (poorly concealed to attract attention), with another person using a smaller camera or simple cell phone camera to record the org's response.

    Example: hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLZJBdvqAv8

    War of Words

    When spreading information regarding Scientology, avoid including religion/church, as not to validate the claims of the Scientology Organization.

    Also be careful in calling the CoS a cult. One of their best defenses against opponents is to accuse them of intolerance. Make sure that you back up your statements with evidence that shows that their organization is anything but benign.

    Dissemination of Information to the General Public

    Not everyone has the internet and those who do may not be exposed to this movement. Anonymous should consider printing copies of the so called secret documents and leave them in high traffic public places such as Starbucks and McDonalds, leave them haphazardly. Also burn CDs with the various documents and information to leave sitting about, curiosity will do the rest of the work. Make sure to include a page of links to relevant information such as the digest of digg.com links and links to xenu.net with the documents.

    Film Boycotts

    A perfectly legal and easy way to avoid inadvertently funding the Church is to boycott the films which involved known members. Encourage others to do the same.

    Legal Means

    If we really want to hurt CoS, we will have to engage them legally. We all know CoS has a large legal team, so it'll important for us to focus on small battles at first. CoS routinely goes after small fish in the sea in an effort to protect their organization. If we form a support structure to defend these individuals, we can chew at CoS's resources and win easy victories.

    CoS routinely engages in behavior which is considered harassment under US law. It would be easy for us to fund a small legal battle which could in turn fund a chain of further civil lawsuits against CoS. This could be comparable to how big tobacco was taken down.

    Recruit the Christians

    Most of us dont like Christians much, but they do have a very capable information dissemination capability and influential leaders. Their strengths overlap our weaknesses - while we struggle to gain influence offline, they control so much power they can control even the law-making process. Their help would be invaluable, and for once we have a common cause. Inform Christian leaders - not just the big celebrities, but one-church pastors too - about the dangers of Scientology. Stress its anti-family tendencies, its abuse of followers. Make it clear that though their symbol looks like a crucifix they have no Christian influences at all. If we can get the Christians on our side, thats a major victory, for we will have gained a powerful ally.



    I have no idea what responses this forum will bring because i rarely lurk outside of superfashion.

  8. Scientology pisses me off immensely. Theres a group that goes by Anonymous that plans on taking them down. I will be rather happy if this plan comes to fruition.

    Add "tt" to correct all links- nothing should link from here.

    Blog post-


    EACH OF THESE CDS NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Make copies and hand them out in front of CoS orgs. Or drive around the block blasting them out of your car. Take photos/video of the reaction.

    Spirit of Man CD 1 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?8jmylegddmx

    Spirit of Man CD 2 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?3vt9jjmzamg

    Spirit of Man CD 3 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?bpciynm5y5x

    Spirit of Man CD 4 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?bye2jpgzme1

    Spirit of Man CD 5 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?d3tj3gxtv3n

    Spirit of Man CD 6 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?ejm4kiyjwi5

    Spirit of Man CD 7 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?ftmdsitnjyn

    Spirit of Man CD 8 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?ci21yrmjxz2

    Spirit of Man CD 9 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?fzjkih295zi

    Spirit of Man CD 10 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?cefl5jlltmy

    Spirit of Man CD 11 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?5bmnmjzo0bj

    Spirit of Man CD 12 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?cyy9umdzbnm

    Spirit of Man CD 13 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?4jwmylkxgwi

    Spirit of Man CD 14 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?1sx2fj3mw10

    Spirit of Man CD 15 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?2x4yejj0zb1

    Here's the $13,500 torrent-

    Spirit of Man Torrent (all CDs) - Make this into a DVD and pass out as above


    How Scientology harasses its critics


    Random info and secret docs-


    Secret Dox 1 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?fzdznvbnlwu

    Secret Dox 2 - hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?558bldzyetd

    Give 'em a call (payphone or Skype)-


    1-800-435-7498 (volunteer ministers hotline)


    02 9267 6772 - Sydney

    08 8410 9636 - Adelaide

    02 6162 1057 - Canberra

    03 9654 8655 - Melbourne

    07 3257 4055 - Brisbane

    08 9221 7686 - Perth


    London - (0207) 246-2700

    London - CELEBRITY CENTRE - (020) 7262-2000

    Church of Scientology Advanced Org Saint Hill

    and Saint Hill Foundation - (01342) 324571

    Tunbridge Wells - (01892) 530-1137

    Brighton - (01273) 326-000

    Hove - (01273) 326 607

    Poole - (0202) 257-788

    Plymouth - (01752) 202-165

    Birmingham - (0121) 643-8894

    Manchester - (0161) 834-6463

    York - (01904) 438 156

    Sunderland - (0191) 510-9600

    Edinburgh - 131-5565075


    Kitchener - 519-571-9253

    Edmonton - 780-425-3662

    Montreal - 514-527-8766

    Ottawa - 613-230-5701

    Quebec City - 418-524-4615

    Toronto - 416-925-2146

    British Columbia - 604-681-9121 or 1-877-499-9121

    Winnipeg - 204-925-2201










    MAKE SURE TO DOCUMENT ORG REACTIONS. Photo, audio, and video. Post video on Youtube several times under different names/accounts.

    All right, have fun.


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