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Posts posted by psyence

  1. i'm almost due for a new vision prescription and with a new prescription i'm looking for a pair of new frames. the glasses i have now (Hikari 10 140) have the rim of the frame only on the top half of the lenses.

    i'm looking for glasses just as so, but with thicker arms. the arms on my Hikari pair are very thin. i've been looking for these kind of frames, but with no luck. can anyone point me to a website or location where i might be able to find something close to what i am looking for?


  2. Quote:
    Quote: is there an easy way to tell if they are "raw/untreated" besides just looking at them? im pretty new to levi's (never really looked that closely to all the different types :o) and just wanted something to i guess practice on before getting something more expensive

    Well, if you are able to see them in person (at a store or something), you'll notice the denim is noticeably stiffer and rigid (hence the name).

    Levi's calls there unwashed denim "rigid", so if you see any Levi's jeans that are labeled as rigid, then they are unwashed.

    Aside from these 517's and the STF 501's, I don't know of any other rigid Levi's (from their regular collection).

    --- Original message by eastcoastrider27 on Aug 30, 2005 10:52 PM

    505s also come rigid. I only saw one pair at my local jcpenney with older tags though.
  3. jason mraz - a gf made me go to one of his free concerts. i TRIED to like it, but i couldn't stand his nonsense rapping. even more i couldn't stand how all these girls were going ga-ga over him. annoying.

    nick cannon - he reminds me of this guy i don't like.

    olsen twins - girls idolize them for some reason. i wanna crush them. even when they were toddlers i felt the same.

    nelly - i wanna cut his face up so he has a better reason to wear a band-aid.

    ashton kutcher - made my girl, rachel bilson cry. i wanna punk his brains out.

  4. -carna asada fries - any mexican taco shop in south san diego.

    -kalua pig - DaKine's Plate Lunches.

    -spam musubi - doesn't matter. usually home made.

    -mom's spaghetti.

    -tri-tip steak (roast) - usually from home

    -any betty crocker Tuna Helper - my specialty!

    -hookey on the beach sushi - sushi itto. downtown san diego.

    -san diego pizza - pat and oscar's

    -beef satay w/ peanut sauce. - this thai bbq restaurant in west covina, calif.

    -3 mile island buffalo wings - Hooters

    Edited by psyence on Aug 27, 2005 at 11:32 AM

  5. I have a pair of jeans that have a leg opening of 18.5". I was wonder if it is possible to get them tapered down to a leg opening of 16.5". Has anyone tried this? How much should I expect to pay at the tailor shop?

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