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Adrian Wilson

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Posts posted by Adrian Wilson

  1. Tell me exactly what makes any of my comments racist?

    I said the line was mainly Asians - fact

    I said Asians are shorter than other races - fact

    I said Supreme was not set up to clothe mainly Asian kids - fact.

    I said most of those kids looked like they are on Pop's money because they are students and where else do you get money from? My building is full of Asian students so I know what I am talking about.

    I did not say anything bad about Asians. I said it was wrong to even joke about beating anyone up. I said I was in a minority at that line. I did not say Asians were not allowed to shop at that store - just that it was outa whack seeing who the most passionate Supreme shoppers really were.

    If someone can't comment that 80% of that line was made up of Asians without being racist, then you are never going to have a conversation of any depth with anyone without getting offended and will end up as ignorant as some redneck flyover state dweller.

    Would I be racist saying most NBA players are black? I recently shot a Giants football player's house and someone asked who it was. I replied that it was a big black guy, just like most of them. Is that racist? Is it fuck. Is it racist to say most politicians are self serving white middle class guys? No. Is saying B&H is full of Asian servers racist. No.

    I am sorry if I offended anyone but I did try and explain what I meant. If there is no dialogue, there is no understanding. I think it is funny to be told I am crap at math. I think it is great that China is the new superpower and I think I am no better or worse than anyone on this planet.

    Dressing in Supreme clothes, or having an accent, or skating says something about you to the rest of the world, yet no-one is allowed to mention ethnicity in case they offend someone. What bullshit. If you think you are not racist then you are deceiving yourself. Your brain sees the difference in people's looks, it hears their accent and gathers lots of information to help you relate to or reject that person. If you have a negative preconception of a whole race which has nothing to do with your own experience then that is racism, but to think you can discount race is liberal idealistic nonsense.

    The key is never to use racism as an excuse or reason for your own inadequacies.


    Adrian Wilson

    Interior and Architectural Photographer


  2. everyone is a minority in some way dude. I was the only white 40 year old.

    You can shop at Supreme all you want, but you couldn't shop there today unless you had a few hours spare to stand in that line. Didn't need to be a math genius to work out that a 100 foot long line divided by 6 people in the store at once equals a waste of a sunny day in NY.

    Anyway, any pictures yet - via 20Mb Samsung cameraphones made by any of you hard working genius brothers in a factory in Seoul? Or is that stereotypical racism too?

    Adrian Wilson

    Interior and Architectural Photographer


  3. Majah Flavah,

    That is the biggest pile of spineless self pitying shite I ever heard. You can say anything you want - and you should.

    I was the one in minority today. I couldn't shop because of these guys. I didn't say anything to the line because what was there to say? You think they would have all left if I showed them the 9 inch scar on my leg and I pointed out that it wasn't an ethnically diverse enough line?

    No, I pointed it out here for all those who didn't and couldn't go to Supreme. So people know why their favorite new item has sold out and what kind of people are Supreme's most passionate customers.

    Not skaters, but young Asian guys.

    There you go. You are a majority.



    Adrian Wilson

    Interior and Architectural Photographer


  4. I agree that plenty of races buy plenty of crap. There is a geek line outside every Apple Store that opens on the first day just so they can say they were first in. Most American wear shit, but then the rural areas of any country are full of people wearing cheap clothing with no style.

    I just wonder why anyone bothers camping out to get a fucking t-shirt. It is not like getting in line for gig tickets, or to see a dead pope, or to get a good view of st paddy's day parade. You can go next week.

    Off topic, I also laugh at Americans who buy Hybrid cars when diesels do much better mileage - A VW Lupo does 70mpg for real - a Prius does about 40. Also, US auto manufacturers have a total fuel consumption limit on the cars they sell, so buying a prius allows them to sell more Navigators and Hummers - go figure.

    Anyway, it is not stereotyping to say that these guys were shorter than average, they are and so Supreme sleeves are too long for them. They also don't skate much unless they do it in secret. There is no rule to wear Supreme when skating or be a skater to wear Supreme but tell me how many decks you think they sold today? All I am saying is that the customers today have fuck all to do with Supreme, except as a brand to show off to their buddies in class tomorrow morning or to sell to some mug on eBape.


    Adrian Wilson

    Interior and Architectural Photographer


  5. Listen guys, I ain't no racist. I was having fun at your expense but there you go, life's a bitch. I certainly wasn't suggesting mugging you for your stuff and I do think that comment crossed the boundary into plain abuse.

    However, there really was a line made up of 80% Asians (and I mean far east) and most of them were under 5'10" so what is the fucking revelation there? Supreme is a store with a whole wall of skateboards but most of the guys in the line looked like people studying at NYU spending pop's money so they can look like they are down with NY style.

    I am a white 41 year old guy with 2 kids so I don't really fit in either but I also still have a 9 inch metal plate in my leg from when I fell off a skateboard and my body decided to quit being bendy. If there was a line full of 40 year old guys it would have looked stupid too.

    Same as a line of 80 white guys outside a new Korean dumpling bar on 32nd street just coz it was mentioned in NY magazine is a bit weird, so was the line today.

    White guys can eat dumplings and the guys in that line could skate if they want to, but neither place were established to cater for those particular customers.

    I am not saying you need to skate or hang with the fuckwits to shop at Supreme, but it would be nice for the stock not to be wiped out by people who have just latched on to the store due to sites like this. Go to a clothes store like NDG instead.


    PS Being English, I hate line cutters and will always challenge anyone who does. Just see me at 6 flags with my kids kicking off every 20 minutes


    Adrian Wilson

    Interior and Architectural Photographer


  6. I was the coolest because I didn't get in line.

    If you didn't get in the store, either go to the Korean club on W35th Street tonight as it will have the full range on show or look at the driver in the next tricked out Honda Civic icon_smile_wink.gif

    BTW, I was the guy with the Triple 5 long coat, Supreme jeans and broken Arabic white tee at about 11.30.

    Funniest was seeing short Asians trying to look hot in the embroidered Supremem jackets with cuffs level with their fingertips! Those Supreme guys need to realise their target market and do XL, L, M, S and Snow White's helper sizes.

    Anyone else i can offend! Sorry guys.

    Adrian Wilson

    Interior and Architectural Photographer


  7. I would say that 80% of the line were Asians, miserable skinny ones at that. Not exactly ambasadors for the brand.

    Didn't look like too many skaters there, come to think of it, I was probably the coolest one!

    Supreme should obviously open in Seoul before SanFran

    Hey, triple 5 Seoul - that's it I am gonna be rich!

    Adrian Wilson

    Interior and Architectural Photographer


  8. Walked by Supreme at 11.30am. The line was behind police barriers and three stores down the street of mostly Asian kids (and I mean Far East, not Jewish!).

    They were letting 6 people in a time so that was all I needed to hear to want to leave. Took a look in the window and it seemed there were quite a few check shirts. There was someone in there with a Tommy Hilfiger bag - whathefuck!

    No doubt everyone wil be rushing home to post their booty later.

    I jumped on the F train out of there.


    Adrian Wilson

    Interior and Architectural Photographer


  9. Well I shoot a lot of stores and I liked it. There were some genuinely interesting ideas and the finish was very good. Liked the vintage display furniture choices.

    Not sure about the VM though, the guy has a weird sense of humor, such as placing piles of socks on heads, or even mannekins holding their own heads a la Hamlet pose. Blue mannekins are a but strange - too close to Blue Man Group colors.

    FYI the whole store was designed by a company of 4 designers and it is made from 2 buildings. This is why there is a strange expansion strip running through the store.

    I have pictures if anyone is interested?

    Apparently there is an even more spectacular one opening in Dallas in a few months.


    Adrian Wilson

    Interior and Architectural Photographer


  10. So went to the opening party for the new 5th floor at NY BG. The party was quirte well attended with socialites, spoke a little with Hamish Bowles but I think I bored him pretty quickly. The design was nothing special (Gabellini was the architect) inside, though the roof detailing of smooth waves was quite nice. The building has a blue glow on all the 5th floor windows to signify the contemporary designer and denim floor.

    Everyone was fawning over a collaboration between various artists and a designer, whereby the artist did 50 limited edition artices (yawn). Lots of pumped guys and fake women but then I am just bitter because the paps didn't photograph me!

    Not shot the film set yet, it was delayed. Barneys Boston looks much more interesting than BG.


    Adrian Wilson

    Interior and Architectural Photographer


  11. Thanks Complice,

    I am off at the end of the month to do some more work in Dubai. The company who are building the Burj are funny because they still haven't decided how tall it will be. Depends on other buildings they are competing with. It will definitely have Armani's first hotel inside though, which will be cool. You should be able to see iran from the top, so get a telescope and eventualy you will see Condaleeza riding gunshot on a tank!

    On the opening sales night, which was only for Emirates natives, even the invites could be sold for $25,000 each. Pretty much every apt sold on that night, with people trying to buy 10 apartments at a time, and a fist fight broke out when one guy took a call before signing for a place and lost it to the guy behind!

    Wouldn't recommend the place to live though. My assistant described it as a house of cards built on sand, which is very accurate. With all the new irrigation from desalination plants, the marine life has all been killed and the weather is gray thanks to the amount of evaporating water. Politicaly it is run by a guy who is ruler after stabbing his brother to death ("but it was 30 years ago") and one terrorist bomb would make the whole place fall apart. Considering there is alcohol and prostitution it would seem an obvious extremist target were it not for the fact that the terrorists probably go there on vacation themselves.

    It is also full of expats who want to sit in the heat with their Indian servants pretending they are in some kind of colony. And if you think you have ID trouble opening a bank account in the US, go to Dubai. No accountants means the place is swarming with people with bags of cash putting it straight into Dubai branches of your local bank.

    Forget about the overblown Dubai ports thing though, they have so much money invested in all sorts of areas and the amount invested in US companies is insignificant compared to Saudi investments here.

    Still, the pay, food and hospitality is good, so I will enjoy it!

    If you go, stay on the creek and go to the old traditional village, it really shows you nice Arab life and you can even understand the beauty of wearing a dish-dash or bhurka. You know even Prada and Armani make bhurkas?

    I am shooting a film set in 7 World Trade Center tomorrow with Bruce Willis and Halle Berry - now that's more like it!


    Adrian Wilson

    Interior and Architectural Photographer


  12. a>

    Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson): Now I want you to go into that bag and find my wallet.

    Ringo (Tim Roth): Which one is it?

    Jules: It’s the one that says, “Bad Mother Fucker.â€

    Make sure you get the embroidered versions, not the cheap printed ones.

    Adrian Wilson

    Interior and Architectural Photographer


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