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Posts posted by docdoom

  1. Hi Folks,

    Does what it says on the tin really. Just seeing if there is any interest before i upload pics. 32x32, little wear on the bottoms and the patch is a stitch loose but not looking for bucketloads. In UK.

    Also got some mad rare japanese red loops that are too big for me.

  2. Quote:

    lol well, i was browsing through some of the pages in this big ass megathread. too many pages to browse them all, but this guy just stuck out like a sore thumb, and only one guy was willing to speak up, but he got shot down. what the hell, isn't this a fashion forum, so how come milspex still isnt' corrected? i really don't care if he wants to continue to dress like a little 8 year old kid, but seeing other guys giving him props is pretty ridiculous lol. did he bring his posse over here for back up or something? lmao

    --- Original message by AFK on Apr 8, 2006 09:10 PM

    Corrected??! Mate what are you on. The use of that word clearly implies the existence of some definitive, objective ideal aesthetic of fashion. If you can convince me of the that then i will agree with you on Milspex! Otherwise its just a value judgement isn't it so shut up yr face.
  3. Quote:

    i just bought a pair of nashvilles online. are they sanforized? should i bother soaking them or doing the shower thing when i get them? sorry i did a search and only came up with the ed-47 being sanforized, i just wanted to make sure.

    Edited by will_i_am on Mar 3, 2006 at 12:46 PM

    --- Original message by will_i_am on Mar 3, 2006 12:41 PM

    They shrink to rather than from tag size. Wash at 40 and they will end up at tag size.
  4. Not quite sure how much that is, sorry?!

    I dont think they can be too faithfull to Boss of the Road as thier label is a direct rip off/homage of Stronghold jeans... Pretty cool actually that they are taking inspiration from these lesser well known brands, we wearing are awash in levis repros, relatively speaking at least.

  5. sicksicksick, they are a great 2nd hand find (presuming not too expensive)

    I guess we are looking at 1890s, as didnt levis introduce the 2nd pocket by 1901, and im presuming these are levis repros, or at least levi inspired?

    Ive never seen that style of cinch though on regular levis, only on those spring bottom pants or something like that from the lvc range.

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