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Posts posted by Alber

  1. On Carnaby Street, about 3 stockists. Size? shoe store stock them also. There's also a chain of stores called USC (Reading, Manchester, Sheffield I know of), they stock them.

    There are also quite a few on ebay. Bought one about 3 weeks ago. Doesn't seem to be any or many fakes around so it's a safer ebay buy than most brands.


  2. Hi

    I've also tried stay246 without reply loads of times !! The BWS in London is definately worth a visit, but depends on when you time it. Lucky, and it's delivery day and the place is fully stocked up (Tees, hoodies, shirts, jackets, sneakers, the lot) and at worst these mainly Tees with a few other bits.

    For online BAPE, I buy quite a lot and use :





    Ebay has it's authetic stuff (abut 5%) but if you know how to spot it, some good regular sellers.

    As with BWS, you have to keep checking (almost daily) to catch new items coming in, as they go within hours. Benny who runs Shply is a top guy, and if he hasn't got something, he'll go hunting in HK or via a mate in Japan (for a finding fee) if you send him a picture.

    I'm in London tomorrow so no doubt a BWS trip on the cards !


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