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Posts posted by eldave04

  1. 1) Samurai S5000BK 34 


    Just received yesterday from 2nd, they are too small for me, I should have read the sizing more closely. As below, with special edition pin, denim coin case, and denim pouch. New with tags, unwashed, never worn, not hemmed.






    Will consider trades for minimally worn/ new black jeans of similar quality


    2) Red Moon VB-01A


    Same deal as above, new with tags, never worn, in untanned saddle leather, dust bag, stickers, and some other leather thing that came with it.






    Again, trades for saddle leather belts of similar quality/cost


    This account from SUFU is 10yrs old, can also check ebay eldave04 for feedback.


    Only reason these are up here is 2nd's policy of no return/exchange/anything ever.


    All sales/trades final, paypal only, I eat the fees.


    I will post pics after work today

  2. Sweet thread bros. I am going warrior diet.

    This may have been asked, but I searched and couldn't find it...

    Anyone just do straight powerlifting maxOT type workouts with the warrior diet?

    I am lifting 5-7 days a week on a 5 day split with ~3 exercises of 3 sets each per body part, 4-6 reps each, followed by 10 min of cardio a day. Any suggestions for a workout better suited for the diet?

    I looked at the CFT and it seems kinda kooky.

  3. No, that is ass-backwards logic.

    I knew this kid that rode around, brakeless, everywhere, near-recklessly (because of not having brakes) yet he wore a helmet without fail.

    Yeah, he got run over by a garbage truck tryin' to switch lanes like a pro and died.

    Helmets won't save your body, skill and preparation can.

    what about having a helmet, and skill and preparation?

    seriously, who cares about how you look when you are biking (I am aware I am talking to a male fashion forum)? I don't know about anyone else here, but I am usually sweating balls and breathing hard anyways.

    One concussion can fuck you up bad if you are sensitive to them. IMO it just isn't worth it.

  4. building a bike even with mediocre parts is generally more expensive than getting a pre-made complete, another reason to wait for the kilo tt pro, or try and get the guy to sell you the complete.

  5. whens the kilo TT pro supposed to come out?

    if it comes through i maybe able to snag a low -mile non-stock bianchi pista for about 300-500 (depending on how much i haggle with him)

    I think late aug, but it will probably be even later. It sounds amazing though.

    A low mile non-stock pista for 300 is excellent (depending on the components), and I would just go with that, who knows how long it will take for the kilo pros to come in

  6. You get used to being a bit sweaty all the time, plus you can just go extra slow if you have to be somewhere important and not sweaty.

    Definitely worth it to not drive all the time though.

    Extra shirt at least is key.

    m1sterko - if you can wait a couple of months you should get the kilo tt pro when it comes out, better wheelset, better cranks, better tubing, for an amazing price.

    Does anyone know if there is any functional difference between a regular backpack and a messenger bag? I have been looking at the black bag for a long time, because hauling groceries in a backpack is so awkward, but I don't know if it will even make a difference.

  7. isnt that the end of the myan calendar too?

    2012 is sometimes claimed to be a great year of spiritual transformation (or apocalypse). Many esoteric sources interpret the completion of the thirteenth B'ak'tun cycle in the Long Count of the Maya calendar (which occurs on December 21 by the most widely held correlation) to mean there will be a major change in world order.

    Accordingly, several eclectic authors claim that a major, world-changing event will take place in 2012:

    * The 1997 book The Bible Code claims that, according to certain algorithms of the Bible code, an asteroid or comet will collide with the Earth.

    * The 2006 book 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck discusses theories of a possible global awakening to psychic connection by the year 2012, creating a noosphere.

    Other prophecies and apocalyptic writings and hypotheses for this year include:

    * Terence McKenna's numerological novelty theory suggests a point of singularity in which humankind will go through a great shift in consciousness.

    From wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012):

    Summary: we be fucked

  8. I had no idea you needed delivery confirmation and a tracking number not to get screwed. why aren't shipping receipts good enough? fuck paypal. we should at least split the cost of a 'lost' package. fuck

  9. I sold some stuff on ebay, and a buyer "didn't receive" an item. I have all the receipts proving that I did ship it, when I shipped it, but because I didn't use a tracking number (which I had no idea I needed to), paypal automatically rules in favor of the buyer. I removed the funds before the buyer opened the complaint, so technically I didn't lose any money, but now my account is frozen.

    Anyone gone through this before? Is paypal going to go after me for the missing funds?

    Learn from me: a) paypal is stupid B) always ship /w tracking.

  10. left to right:

    Cliver deck 1

    predator tee

    Hawaiian/Floral Sport Cap

    cliver tee 1

    racing tank

    s/s box plaid

    cliver tee 2

    s/s oxford

    pin stripe camp cap i think

    geometric polo

    fuck em trucker cap

    protect and serve tee

    oxford side logo

    cliver deck 2

    I bought one this weekend in blue/orange

  11. it seems its a skin condition, super visible when not in remission and maybe even contagious. sucks for her!

    Furthermore, wet shirt sleeves/cuffs piss me off.

    it's not contagious

  12. Jayrock,

    A couple of things (no hate):

    - The standard of American health care right now is really low, look at world rankings.

    - Generally, those countries with higher rated health care are also those with a public system.

    - I wouldn't worry about the doc's wellbeing, they are making a killing even in public systems. Plus, most docs (i hope) aren't in it for the money anyways.

    - Privacy is of the utmost importance in medicine, and physicians take a lot of pride in maintaining confidentiality.

    It seems like there are two issues here, public health care, and your opinion of our society. They may not be necessarily related.

    Also, keep in mind the astronomical cost of medical services, dirty, disgusting, scumbag, douchebag insurance companies, and hard working people that are just unlucky.

    I do agree with you for there being no regulation within a public health care system in regards to how often people access it and for what. I also agree with you about global warming.

    I think it would be fantastic for America to adopt a public health care system.


    jeez, this is a bad idea, for so many reasons. by having the tax payer pick up the bill for everyone's hospital bills, do you really think we'll be able to maintain the level of quality healthcare we currently receive? if healthcare was free for everyone, what is going to stop everyone from going to the doctor for minor shit that they really don't need to? it is a quasi form of slavery for both doctors and taxpayers to implement such a system. i am entitled to the fruits of my labor, lazy pieces of shit who contribute nothing to society are not. doctors should be free to practice their trade without sacrificing their skills for "the better good." let alone the privacy issues that arise when you transfer a system of healthcare from the private sector to the government. do you really want big brother to have quick and easy access to all of your medical records??

    generation after generation our sense of entitlement grows and grows. some people would like the government to hold our hand from cradle to grave. what happened to personal responsibility? what happened to hard work? what happened to a merit-based society?

    liberty > equality

    personal responsiblity > entitlement

    rugged individualism > socialism


    THE ROLE OF THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT IS TO PROTECT OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, nothing else. if you want the government to be your mommy or daddy, then you are in the wrong fucking country. we want people who are going to better their lives for themselves and their families, freeloaders need not apply

    while i'm on this rant, I also hate:

    GLOBAL WARMING... oops! i mean climate change!! what a convenient new name, since the climate is always changing. the global temperature has dropped over the past ten years while carbon output has increased. also, the process of calculating an accurate "average global temperature" is an incredibly complex process prone to error (some have claimed the process is mathematically impossible). NEWSFLASH: EVEN IF WE WANTED TO, WE AS HUMANS COULD NOT AFFECT THE CLIMATE IN ANY SIGNIFICANT WAY SHAPE OR FORM. to believe otherwise is completely naive and borderline conceited. all the morons who defend this THEORY with religious zeal fail to take into account such things as the SUN or previous climate fluctuations. no, no, no... CO2 has somehow become a pollutant, and in order to pay for your sin of burning fossil fuels you should pay your indulgence in the form of "carbon tax." have people completely forgotten about basic elementary science? plants need CO2 to produce oxygen!! the funny thing is, people who follow this green religion will laugh in the face of other religious folk and mock them for their blind faith, while at the same time failing to realize what gigantic hypocrites they are. i, for one, will not worship at the alter of al gore. anthropogenic global warming theory is nothing more than a worldwide socialist scam to make rich countries poor and poor countries poorer. shit is seriously getting out of control. read some real scientific peer-reviewed journals if you want the truth. don't listen to everything the united nations IPCC global warming panel says. if al gore blames another hurricane on global warming i'm going to choke someone

    JOHN MCCAIN REPESENTS GEORGE BUSH'S THIRD TERM. fucking bullshit. obama is bringing nothing new to the table. he is media hype, nothing else. if mccain represents bush's third term, then OBAMA REPRESENTS JIMMY CARTER'S SECOND TERM. look at the facts, both those idiots support defunding the military, taxing oil companies via capital windfall tax, international pacifism, etc. none of this shit will work. learn history or be doomed to repeat it again.


    i also hate infractions. like the one i'll probably recieve for this little gem of a post

  13. i love evisu but they take so long to wear in and get the nice colour fade im looking for... any ideas?

    enjoy them for what they are now, not what they will be, it is about the journey, not the destination.

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