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Posts posted by TheRidiculousguy

  1. got these from the LA store when they were on sale for $20 so im going to pass along the savings. they messed up the order and sent me two pairs of the same ones instead of another colorway, i hadnt really checked the boxes until a couple days ago to tell you the truth been too busy.

    Size 12 they are yellow in the front w/ the tan color in the back they are the lace up lows. if you are interested let me.




  2. Quote:

    baizilla...I wouldn't spread that around that you were able to identify the type of jeans and, unbelieveably, the designer name of shoes a passer-by girl was wearing. my guess is that a girl would wonder about your orientation, and your guy friends would make fun of you.

    --- Original message by giantreptile on Oct 7, 2005 11:59 AM

    just that fact that theres a post about womens jeans on a board dominated by guys makes me believe most of us on here can do the same thing, doesnt mean we are all gay, not that theres anything wrong w/ it.





  3. Quote:

    yes, they will stretch out again, but not that fast in my experience. You could also have the waist taken in.

    --- Original message by horriblyjollyjinx on Sep 20, 2005 01:46 PM

    have you done this before? would any tailor be able to do it?

    i have the same issues w/ my rescues, they are a little to big for everyday wear they only look on some sneakers and w/ some shirts they arent the exact fit, i've been debating weather or not to just get a new pair and start over (4months in, no waash)




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