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Posts posted by TheRidiculousguy

  1. Does anyone have referals to any good graphic/web designers? we are looking to redo the web properties for our media company. i will edit this post shortly with some links to sites that we like.

  2. i need a suit for my sisters wedding this thanksgiving and dont know where to look, the last one i bought was for a prom like 6 years ago. i dont have a ridiculous budget but i dont want something cheap, id like to get one good enough so i can keep it around for a few years for other events and dont mind spending money if its going to last.

    im kinda big so i think i look bad in slacks usually and find them very unflattering - im 6'0 about 210 and a 36wasit in slacks i believe and want to avoid being uncomfortable and selc concious(sic) all night

    where should i begin my search? any help is appreciated!

  3. i spent a year at drexel and i was always suprised there werent more stores in the philadelphia area with these brands. went to the same few spots all the time it seemed. theres a couple good stores that usually go unmentioned but most people only think of Ubiq and the other big names.

    i would open something up down in olde city, if open til late i think it would do well while people are out at the bars and resturants.

    like others said, gotta make sure the space looks right too. agent has some good stuff but its set up so ugly i hated going there

    good luck man.




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