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Posts posted by Tisswat

  1. Quote:


    --- Original message by Corbin Law on Oct 22, 2005 11:44 AM

    You gotta explain this, Slimane have them play at one of his shows and suddenly it's cool to listen to soft rock???

    --- Original message by Fuuma on Nov 8, 2005 11:30 AM

    I don't like putting stuff in boxes. It's hard, but it can be done. Anyway, what does it really matter? You either like Phoenix or you don't.

    Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

    Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."

  2. I guess not.. it's just a get-together in a shop, so I wouldn't worry too much about it if I were you. You can send CODE an email if you want to make sure. But refusing entrance to 16-year-olds would be silly if you ask me. Especially 16-year-old Supertalkers.

    Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

    Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."

  3. P.S. There another (re)launch party:

    "On the 11-th of November we will sort or re launch CODE again (it's just an excuse to drink some beer, stare at some art and talk to some nice people) at the Carhartt store in Amsterdam. Paul from Antistrot will do some live action painting."

    Anybody going? See you there. :)

    Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

    Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."


    State Theatre, 69 bathhurst st. toronto. start 9pm

    Europe's filthiest club invites you for the transatlantic tractor ride to Toronto's Trashfarm...


    Wannabeastar & Miss B-Have (NL)

    Joost van Bellen (NL)

    DJ's Are Not Rockstars feat. Princess Superstar and Alexander Technique (US)

    Arthur Baker (UK)

    Fritz Helder and the Phanthoms (CA)

    Tickets $12.50 in advance, more at door.

    Tickets available at:


    Boutique Seveneighty - 709 Queen st. W;

    Rotate This - 620 Queen st. W;

    Soundscape - 572 College st.;

    Priape - 465 Church st.

    (contact Meubelstukken.nl for guestlist spots)

    For pics n stuff visit http://www.club-filth.com

    Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

    Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."

  5. HP, Toshiba, Sony. Make sure you check out warranty.. it's different for each brand (and product line!).

    Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

    Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."

    Edited by Tisswat on Nov 8, 2005 at 12:43 PM

  6. If my theory is right, Huntelaar won't score any goals either. Let's see what happens.. :) ANyway, I'll always be an Ajax fan. My parents and grandparents were born and raised in Am*dam so it's not even an option. :P

    Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

    Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."

  7. I agree, the problem is not Blind. I would even say that the problem is not the striker. The problem is that Ajax puts a lot of emphasis on on their 'trademark' system. Nothiing wrong with that, but having good wingers is crucial. Pienaar is a midfielder and Babel is a striker. Rosales is disappointing this season. I bet that Ajax would play a lot better if they would hang on to this attack: Mitea - Rosenberg - Rosales. Maybe their not the best players, but they sure as hell are the best for those positions.

    And I agree again that the board/management screwed up. How come Ajax doesn't have a single decent left winger? When the playing system is sacred, wingers are essential. I can't figure out why they didn't buy wingers.

    These are tough times for an Ajax fan. Hopefully we wont be stuck with this crap until the end of the season..

    Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

    Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."

  8. Quote: Although Dunks are "played out" I much prefer them to AF1s

    That depends on where you're at. Over here, AF1s are much more hip-hop, whereas dunks are not. So people over here seldomly chose between the two.. I'm under the impression that in for example NY, dunks and AF1s are more interchangeable. But correct me if I'm wrong.

    Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

    Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."

    Edited by Tisswat on Nov 5, 2005 at 10:05 AM

  9. Totally agree with you.. their gig last tuesday was upstairs at Paradiso. 200 people max.. and people in smaller venues seem so much more into the band they've come to watch.

    I'll be sure to check out The KBC (if I can find them).

    Arctic Monkeys video -> http://www.alive.co.uk/gigscene/gn11.htm

    Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

    Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."

  10. Test Icicles are playing at the London Calling festival at Paradiso this weekend. They are getting a lot of attention here too. But the Monkeys are really all over the place, as they should be. I've never seen any group perform that well on stage.

    i-D Magazine has a bit about the Monkeys this month. They did a page on Test Icicles last month. Props to them.

    What about The KBC? Worth checking out?

    Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

    Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."

  11. Quote:

    posted by: berent on Jul 23, 2005 03:34 AM

    message: Can you manage to get to Amsterdam? Because there they have quite alot shops selling ALD

    Berent, where exactly have you spotted them? Want to check them out myself..

    Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

    Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."

    Edited by Tisswat on Nov 4, 2005 at 02:46 AM

  12. Arctic Monkeys are touring through Europe now. They will be coming to the US and Canada in two weeks.. I strongly suggest you go check em out. I saw them last night and shit was on.

    Check http://www.arcticmonkeys.com/gigs.htm for dates and tickets.

    These fellas are already in my 'top of 2005' list.

    Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

    Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."

  13. Tribe Called Quest - Beats, Rhymes and Life

    Dr. Dre - The Chronic

    Snoop Dogg - Doggystyle

    Q-Tip - Amplified

    Outkast - Aquemini

    Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

    Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."

  14. On point right now:


    Pier 9


    Supperclub Cruise



    etc.. etc.. (ask around)



    Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ --> Don't miss this, the architecture is gorgeous!






    Suzy Wong


    Studio 80

    Sugar Factory



    Pakhuis Wilhelmina


    Jimmy Woo


    PC Hooftstraat for the obvious Armani, Prada, Gucci, etc.

    PATTA / Ben-G for street and sneakers

    SeventyFive for sneakers

    Independent Outlet

    Tom's Skateshop


    Bis!, Zipper and Episode (for vintage gear)

    Droog Design

    And as for the touristy stuff.. aside from the obvious stuff, try to find out about architecture tours. The ones that lead you across Java eiland and past the new Muziekgebouw are the mf issue.

    Also don't spend more than a few hours in the red light district and the coffeeshops. It's too obvious.. and you'll only meet tourists.

    Good luck!

    Reporter: "What do you think about western civilization?"

    Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."

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