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Posts posted by hahnstch

  1. you can get dunderdon online from dunderdonusa.com or coolestshop.com am i right? and if i'm not mistaken the range (and the price) those online stores have are not much different from vice

  2. Quote:

    could have the register at the bottom of the bowl and the good on the rim. do an ollie and checkout.

    --- Original message by dontcaretoomuchforcrap on Jan 31, 2005 06:39 PM

    dontcaretoomuchforcrap, that will be a good idea to get rid of those non-skater resellers, give em a skateboard and let them go on their own to get their items on the rim icon_smile_tongue.gif
  3. i suppose if you just want to view their collection, you can either try chapterworld.com or just search for it using rakuten.co.jp, even though they are in japanese it should be easy enough to navigate. but if you are thinking of buying online, the only website i know that caters to international order will be ace-web (rakuten.co.jp/ace-web or ace-web.net/~ace-net/)

    and even then, they only carry limited range of madfoot and tas

    Edited by hahnstch on Jan 30, 2005 at 04:56 AM

  4. it seems that it's slightly cheaper in canada than in the states, i know that the originals store in the states is selling the city series for US$130.

    and i heard that the underworld superstar 35 is gonna be sick, the whole upper is mostly gonna be 3M material

  5. if james owns all those shops he must have made insane amount of money... union is not leaning away from japanese brands, they do stock on nbhd and prps and visvim. and they carry labels which you won't find anywhere else in NY like mhi and duffer. as for stussy, i must say their customade tees are hot. i like the one they did with daggers drawn, and it seems the one they're doing with invisible:man is kinda nice too

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