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  • supertalk is free to view for guests. For full access you need to become a member. You can also upgrade for additional features and benefits at any time. A renewal invoice will be sent at the end of any subscription period. 

Sign Up: Choose Subscription

Please select one of the following subscriptions to purchase to continue

11.00 EUR

Become a member
New member subscription

/// Politics free discussion zone  2003–2024 ///

Current 2024 new standard membership is $US 12 ONE TIME ONLY FEE. No renewal fee.
You can later upgrade your membership to premium superseller or supermember or supersponsor

Includes supertalk membership
You get access to post on supertalk discussion forums
You get access to buy and sell on supertalk classifieds
/ free listings /

For personal use only. For businesses use our supersponsor subscription.

11.00 EUR

Become a superseller
Suitable for volume sellers


$US 12 
ONE TIME FEE. No renewals 

Free and unlimited classifieds listings with no commissions !

Includes supertalk membership
superseller icon under profile picture
Members store
Featured adverts
Pinned adverts
Priority support

For personal use only. For businesses use our supersponsor subscription.

19.50 EUR

Become a supermember
Premium member

/// Because you are very super ///

$US 24  1st year + $6 per renewal years 
[Previously $US 44]

Get added privileges over basic members and help support the ongoing maintenance and development of supertalk !

Includes supertalk membership
supermember status icon under profile picture
superseller status

Priority support

For personal use only. For businesses use our supersponsor subscription.

180.00 EUR/month

Become a supersponsor
For businesses. You get a dedicated topic thread on supertalk that can also be used to promote your brand and products.

$300 USD  $200 USD per 1 month 
[3 month / 6 month / 12 month options]

Interact directly with supertalk members. Post product images. Promote events. Your thread can be pinned to the top of selected forum lists [ie. superdenim, supershopper, etc]

Includes supertalk membership
supersponsor status icon under profile picture
superseller status
500 x 500 pixel superad with guaranteed 100k pv / month
Priority support

Please note:
01  Please send us an ad graphic 500 x 500 pixel so we can upload it. [gif, jpg, jpeg, png, no animated gifs]. This ad is displayed on the sidebar and links to your nominated url.
02  Minimum size 500 x 500 pixel. larger is ok as long as it is square.
02  All superads are subject to approval.
03  We will contact you within 72 hours after you have made your purchase and set up your sponsored thread and superad.

If you do not have a member account on supertalk but just want to advertise your brand or products to supertalk members we recommend you purchase our advertising only option superad package or contact advertising@superfuture.com for more details of all our advertising promotion and campaign options.

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