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Posts posted by Awkwardsilence

  1. First off, big thank you to all who offered advice. This morning I threw caution to the wind and threw them in the machine for a cold wash, got on a work call and missed the spin cycle. They’re snug, but workable, which is a relief. The thigh shrank down about half an inch, the inseam to 34.5” and the waste to 16. There’s puckering at the back yoke and hem. I may toss em in again on cold in a couple days, just to be certain they’re not going to shrink much past this, but my hope is washing on cold from here on out won’t push them a whole lot further than they are, but I’ve got a little slack to work with should they move some in the thigh (waist is sure to stretch anyway, I’m sure).





  2. 4 hours ago, julian-wolf said:

    Why is your name blue

    Idk, possibly because I went with the 24 bucks option when I signed up. I just figured I’d support the site as I’ve appreciated having it as a resource for the last couple years. Certainly helps to look through everyone’s responses to questions, etc and there’s no shortage of knowledge about this hobby here.

  3. 1foot, thanks... that is great info. And Young, that was exactly why I hopped on to ask this. There’s zero pucker at the yoke, and less puckering at the hem than my twice hot washed 3005’s. This is my first dip into unsanforized that isn’t factory washed, which is where my uncertainty comes from. I’ve seen advice that you can cold wash unsanforized denim if you want less shrink, so my hope was that they wouldn’t continue to shrink too drastically if I stuck to a cold wash regimen. Perhaps I should cold wash in them by hand a couple times and if they get too tight sell em. Appreciate the input, certainly better than being disappointed down the road.

  4. 18 minutes ago, beautiful_FrEaK said:

    Do you ever want to wash them in a machine to have clean pants afterwards? If the answer to this is YES, then do this now.

    If you have this fear, do you prefer wearing them for months and they become too small later? Probably no, so the best thing is to make sure they will fit now, tomorrow and in one year = wash now, shrink them down and be sure they will fit.

    Hey, thanks for the reply! I see your point, and it is the approach I took with my 3005’s. What a more refined question on my part would be: if I intend to only cold wash them, will they continue to shrink, or was the initial cold soak of 30 mins sufficient to get the shrinkage likely to occur with subsequent cold washes? I’ll heed your logic and cold wash em tomorrow and see. Thanks again!

  5. Hi all. First post here, and while trying to formulate my question, I realized maybe the best approach is to leave it open ended... So it’s a “what would you do in my position?” Feel free to suggest additional info that would be helpful, as I may have missed something!

    I’d been stalking RJB TFH collab jeans for a bit, so when I saw a pair of DFXR109’s pop up on ebay with measurements that looked right (size 31, actual waste 16.5-measurents in pics), I impulsively bought and hoped for the best. They took forever to get to norcal from France. So long in fact, that I bought two other pairs of jeans thinking I may not get the ebay pair. Of course they showed up two days after my 3005’s, as the universe would have it.

    The situation is that I’m good with the way they fit now, and I was told they had been cold soaked for 30 mins. They’re unhemmed, and they’re 35” in length, with some leg twist, so I’m assuming some shrinkage has occurred. They are a slightly loose in the top block, thighs have less room for error. After a few days wear, they’re already developing comb creases, and my heart just wants to wear them... my head says “what if they shrink with subsequent cold washes?”

    So what I’d love to hear is... what would YOU do? Just roll the dice? Cold soak for and hour? Warm soak? (I fear a hot soak with agitation might size me out in the mid to lower thigh). I hot washed my raw TFH 3005 in size 33 and they are *perfect*. Don’t want to screw these ones up! Thanks for any input in advance and thanks for reading!








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