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GNTGLDNRNGS last won the day on July 1 2019

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  1. p24a SOLD Adding WTS J1B-S sz small RAF Letting go of this beautiful J1b. Sashiko stitched repairs on the sleeve and some beautiful weathering making it one of a kind. Purchased in Japan. Giving it a 7/10 but the wear on this one is what makes the charm. Jacket only. $1500
  2. WTS P24A-S SS18 xs/raf full pack 6/10 750 F&F+Shipped in USA add for international
  3. bump on the J101 and adding: WTS 3a1 olive xpac (2018) 8/10 $950 take both for $1200 prices shipped ff in usa
  4. WTS J101-GT sz xs 8/10 white/raf sleeve $600 w/ bag and spec
  5. Price drop on J101-GT to $700 ADDED WTS J79TS-GT sz S $1300 FF jacket only SOLD
  6. WTS J101-GT / WHITE/RAF / XS / BAG & SPEC / $800
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