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Posts posted by kalenov

  1. 11 hours ago, rodeo bill said:

    Thanks! I'm really pleased you've got these. S&S ordered these quite a while ago, but looks like they're warm rinsed, so they'll shrink a bit more with a hot wash and tumble dry, but if you hand/cool wash and hang dry they'll stay as they are. You can tell because the Elephant label is a bit puffy- it was sewn on flat bu the fabric shrinks behind it, pulling it in at the sides where it's stitched down.

    Thank you very much! I appreciate it! 

  2. Just was graced with a pair of 127's from Standard & Strange's mystery sale. I have to admit I never heard of or seen this brand before. So I was pleasantly surprised to find all these unique details in them. However I am unsure if these are rinsed, washed, or raw? I'm thinking these are straight raw but could you guys help me out?








  3. Thank you all for taking the time to comment.

    Considering all the angles here.

    When I tested the boot, I only had a sample taken from the shoe lace, being indigo dyed leather like the boot I figured it was a simple answer instead of ruining the boot and taking a sample directly from that.

    Being that the shoe lace sample did cause a reaction and hearing about this chromium allergy, I was looking to get a regular pair of oakstreet laces and do my own tests to see if those cause a reaction.

    After talking with Oakstreet, they did say the leather used for the boot, indigo boots included contain chromium, but the laces are a different leather, rawhide leather laces infact. Leading me to believe that maybe I have infact grown into an indigo allergy.

    I am currently staying away from all indigo based clothing til my skin clears up. Then I will try my Oni's and move on from there to see if any older pairs of jeans that I didn't have an issue with in the past, trigger anything for me.

    I'd still love to hear more insight from people, you all have been very helpful and have given me good information to consider.


    Thank you.

  4. Hello all,

    I will try to keep this short and to the point, but here is a bit of backstory.

    The past few months I have been noticing my skin developing rashes and red patches, namely on my legs, arms, and fingers.

    I consulted my dermatologist and it was clear I was having an allergic reaction to something(s). I thought about it and it started when I began wearing a pair of freshly bought Oakstreet BootMakers Indigo soaked trench boot. For anyone that has worn or handled a pair, you know just how heavily soaked those beauties are, they bleed like crazy. 

    I also bought a pair of Japan Blue JBCD0463-IDBL Cote D'Ivoire's at the same time of the boot. But, I notice I felt tired and had a headache when wearing those. I initially thought the reactions to be a result of just those jeans, and put them on the shelf, not wearing them for months, but continued to wear the boots.

    Fast forward to the present, last week I had an skin patch test for skin allergies. I had the option to include my own items to patch test as well as numerous other preset allergins. I decided to test the Japan Blue's, the boots, and my Momotaro Type I GTB jacket.

    Lo and behold the boots and jeans tested very positive to a reaction, but the jacket did not.

    The only thing I can think of connecting the shoes and jeans is the indigo, but the fact that the jacket did not test positive leads me to question if it's a specific type of indigo (if there is such a thing) or if it's indigo specific to a region.

    I contacted Oakstreet and they told me that the boots contain nature indigo from the Fujino region of Japan, I was curious if anyone here knows if Japan Blue uses the same source of Indigo?

    I have a pair of Oni 20oz Secret denim that I've worn for a over a year and never had a reaction like this, as well as a pair of Roy's and Leftfield.

    If anyone can give me any information it would be most helpful. I'm just trying to get my ducks in a row and know what to avoid so I don't run into this hell again in the future.

    Sorry for the extensive post and thanks for your time!

    P.S. I will be selling the Oakstreets and Japan Blues very soon, if anyone is interested please PM me.



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