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Posts posted by maxutil

  1. I'm thinking what I need to do for the next pair is just wear them and do not wash until I already see the contrasting fading setting in. That's one thing I haven't done before. But it seems like it will take a long time to get there. And not only that, but they're going to smell like shit after only a couple months.


    Whatever. That's my plan for the New Standards I have coming my way. I want to also bleach my SC's to turn them into a lighter colored pair of jeans for upcoming spring/summer. Like this: http://stanleyvanburen.tumblr.com/post/28105823016/so-i-bought-some-apc-new-standards-in-november


    Anybody ever tried something like that? I like the results in that link.

  2. First post. I bought my first raws - APC PNS's about 4 years ago. I wore them for about 8 months mostly on weekends and sometimes on weeknights. When I finally washed, there was barely any color change. I kept them and wore them this way for another 2 years or so with washes every 4 months. Very little fading.


    I then bought some Rogue Territory Stantons and wore those daily for about 6 months. I finally realized I sized down on those way too much. I washed them and had the same issue - no fades. I sold those and the APC's.


    I'm now on my 3rd pair of raws - Sugarcane 2014's. They're not technically raw since they were once-washed when I bought these. I tried a different technique with these - wash frequently. So here are my SC's at 10 months old with washes every 3-4 weeks.


    2016 01 19 19.51.18

    2016 01 19 19.50.56


    So these jeans have faded a little, but I'm looking to get those very high contrast fades. So now, I've gone ahead and ordered some APC New Standards. Once these come, what do I need to do to get those high contrast fades? I feel like I've tried many different combinations of washing and wearing without achieving the result I'm looking for. Any help would be appreciated.


    TL;DR How do I get high contrast fades with a new pair of raws?

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