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Posts posted by MilFX

  1. Well, ya see, I'm not saying that I've been everywhere and I've done everything, but I do know it's a pretty amazing planet we live on here, and a man would have to be some kind of FOOL to think that the best store in Sydney isn't Big Trouble Store. This is Jack Burton in the Pork Chop Express, and I'm talkin' to whoever's listenin' out there!

  2. i changed, u right


    why I will stop to post after my brother was described as a guy dressed too tight as he doesn't have enough money to change his clothes bought by his parents when he was a little  kid


    whereas this funny punchline comes from a guy who has a skinny body with too large clothes as a little kid who doesn't have enough money and wears his father's clothes ^^

    It was a stupid reaction from my side, I like your humor, do not hesitate to use you red button ;)


    Yo, asshole, I don't like French people and I don't like you. Where were you fuckers in Gulf '03? I dunno but I seem to recall 10's of thousands of American motherfuckers died for your fucking freedom in WW2 and about 40,000 of my own Australian motherfuckers back in WW1. Your brother needs to buy clothes that fit. Fuck you, eat some cheese.

  3. night ops, situation: it's windy and warm



    w)taps cover

    slinky optics

    masterpiece brand "masterpiece sport" nylon x 3M pullover (black)

    Jensen tall pocket tee (navy)

    masterpiece brand heavy sweat shorts

    Nike Air Force I '02

    w)taps x porter D.E.L.T.A.

  4. he did this to me too after i negged his "cool 'jap' kid from the 90s" post


    whatya get if you have more rep? A fucken prize? Who gives a fuck? Hahaha, I know you give a fuck, that's why I negged you. Neg me. I don't give a fucken shit.

  5. Lol... for real though, MilFX, you can't be negging Young like that. He dresses in the top 99% of people who are interested in this stuff. Plus the fit on those roys...


    Lol, "the top 99%", that's not too good yo

  6. slightly balding? What the fuck? I've always had a big forehead but almost the same hairline I had when I was a kid. I just had long hair for a while coz I wanted to be rad like Ozzy Osborne for a bit..,



  7. I'm 41, I've moved house over 30 times in my life. Lived in 7 cities, been to 6 countries ( including stopovers), lived in 3. I've lived with boozing Aborigine homos, Ms Korea's younger sister, Korean martial arts school owners, single mums, adrenaline junky jocks, students, supermarket workers, IT managers, tradies, executives, teachers, Anglosphere country people, eurotrash, africans, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese...whatever you can think of..


    Maybe I know more than you motherfucker? Besides no motherfucker actually knows about another motherfucker's life. The only person that knows is them. So fuck you.

  8. I once met a Jap kid in the 90s too. His name was Kosuke. Do you know him? He wore brown birkenstocks. Also I met a Jap guy in the 2000s. I dont know if he wore birkenstocks though but I do know he liked fried chicken. He was like 5'7 and had black hair. Maybe the same guy. Who knows? 


    I dunno, I never met him, just noticed him around.

  9. There was this Jap kid in my town in the 90s that did those birks so much better, patchwork fucked up denim or cords with em. Looser. This kid brought DJ Krush to my shitty little city in the 90s too..this was a cool kid. You look like a Steve McQueen action figure who lost his boots/sneakers and had to wear his hippy girlfriend's shitty hippy shoes..

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